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10 Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

by Kimi

Grammar is the backbone of effective communication, and mastering it can significantly enhance your writing and speaking skills. However, even the most seasoned writers and speakers can fall victim to common grammar mistakes.

In this article, we’ll explore ten of these mistakes and provide practical advice on how to avoid them.


Effective communication is not just about having great ideas; it’s also about presenting them in a clear and error-free manner. Grammar errors can undermine your credibility and hinder your message from getting across. By understanding and rectifying these common mistakes, you can elevate your language skills and communicate more effectively.

1. Subject-Verb Agreement

One of the most frequent grammar mistakes is subject-verb disagreement. This occurs when the subject and the verb in a sentence do not match in terms of number (singular or plural).

Example: “The team are playing well.”

Correction: “The team is playing well.”

To avoid this mistake, always ensure that the subject and verb agree in number. Singular subjects take singular verbs, while plural subjects take plural verbs. For instance, “The dog barks” (singular subject and verb) and “The dogs bark” (plural subject and verb).

Subject-verb agreement is crucial because it clarifies who or what is performing the action in a sentence. Incorrect agreement can lead to confusion, making it harder for your readers or listeners to grasp your intended meaning.

2. Misplaced Apostrophes

Apostrophes often trip people up. Misusing them by either placing them where they don’t belong or omitting them when they’re needed is a common mistake.

Example: “The cats tail wagged.”

Correction: “The cat’s tail wagged.”

Apostrophes are used for two primary purposes: contractions and possession.

In contractions, an apostrophe takes the place of omitted letters, as in “can’t” (short for “cannot”) or “it’s” (short for “it is” or “it has”). Always remember that the apostrophe in “it’s” indicates a contraction, while “its” without the apostrophe is a possessive pronoun, as in “The cat licked its paws.”

For possession, the apostrophe is used to show that something belongs to someone or something else. For example, “The cat’s tail” indicates that the tail belongs to the cat. In this case, the apostrophe is crucial for conveying ownership.

3. Run-On Sentences

Run-on sentences are lengthy sentences that should be two separate sentences or have appropriate punctuation.

Example: “I love reading it’s my favorite hobby.”

Correction: “I love reading. It’s my favorite hobby.”

To avoid run-on sentences, use periods, semicolons, or conjunctions to join related ideas properly. In English grammar, run-on sentences can make your writing confusing and overwhelming for your readers.

Consider this example: “She wanted to go to the store she needed to buy groceries for the week.” Breaking it into two sentences or using a conjunction like “and” or “so” helps clarify the relationship between the two ideas: “She wanted to go to the store. She needed to buy groceries for the week.”

4. Comma Splices

When a comma joins two independent clauses without a conjunction, this is known as a comma splice.

Example: “She loves to write, he prefers painting.”

Correction: “She loves to write, but he prefers painting.”

To rectify this mistake, use a conjunction (and, but, or, so) or a semicolon to properly connect two independent clauses. Comma splices can make your writing feel disjointed and may confuse your readers.

5. Dangling Modifiers

A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that is improperly separated from the word it modifies or describes.

Example: “Running to catch the bus, my hat flew off.”

Correction: “Running to catch the bus, I lost my hat.”

To avoid this mistake, make sure the subject of the modifier is clear and positioned near the modifier itself. Dangling modifiers can result in humorous or confusing sentences, such as “Having finished my book, the TV was turned on,” where it appears that the TV finished reading the book.

6. Double Negatives

Using two negative words in a sentence when only one is needed can create confusion.

Example: “I don’t need no help.”

Correction: “I don’t need any help.”

Steer clear of double negatives; they cancel each other out and create a positive meaning. While double negatives are common in some dialects and informal speech, they are generally considered incorrect in formal writing and standard English.

7. Confusing “Its” and “It’s”

Mixing up “its” (possessive) and “it’s” (contraction of “it is” or “it has”) is a common mistake.

Example: “Its a beautiful day, it’s warm outside.”

Correction: “It’s a beautiful day; its warmth is inviting.”

Remember that “it’s” always means “it is” or “it has,” while “its” is a possessive pronoun. Confusing the two can lead to misunderstandings in your writing.

8. Using “Me” Instead of “I”

Using “me” as the subject of a sentence when “I” is correct is another frequent mistake.

Example: “Me and John will go to the movies.”

Correction: “John and I will go to the movies.”

Use “I” as the subject of a sentence to rectify this error. When in doubt, try removing the other person’s name from the sentence. For instance, you wouldn’t say, “Me will go to the movies,” but rather, “I will go to the movies.”

9. Confusing “They’re,” “Their,” and “There”

Mixing up these homophones, which sound the same but have different meanings, is a common mistake.

Example: “Their going to bring they’re books over there.”

Correction: “They’re going to bring their books over there.”

Keep in mind that “they’re” is a contraction of “they are,” “their” shows possession, and “there” refers to a place or location. These words may sound alike, but their meanings are distinct, and using them correctly is crucial for clear communication.

10. Lack of Agreement in Pronoun and Antecedent

Failing to ensure that pronouns match their antecedents (the nouns they replace) in terms of gender and number is another common pitfall.

Example: “Everyone should bring their own dish to the potluck.”

Correction: “Everyone should bring his or her own dish to the potluck.”

To avoid this mistake, use gender-neutral language or be specific about the gender when necessary. In some cases, you can also rephrase the sentence to avoid the pronoun-antecedent agreement issue, as in “All participants should bring their own dishes to the potluck.”

The Importance of Grammar

Before we wrap up, let’s emphasize the significance of good grammar. Effective communication is vital in various aspects of life, from academic and professional settings to personal relationships. Here’s why paying attention to grammar matters:

  • Clarity: Proper grammar ensures that your message is clear and easily understood. It reduces the risk of miscommunication, which can lead to confusion or even conflict.
  • Credibility: Good grammar enhances your credibility and professionalism. Whether you’re writing a job application, a business proposal, or an academic paper, correct grammar conveys competence and attention to detail.
  • Respect for the Reader: Using correct grammar shows respect for your readers or listeners. It demonstrates that you value their time and effort, as they won’t need to decipher poorly constructed sentences.
  • Enhanced Writing Skills: Improving your grammar skills can make you a better writer. You’ll be able to express your ideas more eloquently and persuasively.
  • Expanded Opportunities: In the academic and professional world, good grammar is often a prerequisite for success. It can open doors to opportunities such as scholarships, jobs, and promotions.

Tips for Improving Your Grammar

To enhance your grammar skills, consider these tips:

  • Read Widely: Reading a variety of materials exposes you to different writing styles and grammatical structures. It helps you internalize correct grammar naturally.
  • Grammar Exercises: Engage in grammar exercises and quizzes to practice different aspects of grammar, such as verb tenses, pronouns, and sentence structure.
  • Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from teachers, peers, or colleagues on your writing. Constructive criticism can be invaluable in identifying areas for improvement.
  • Grammar Resources: Use grammar resources like grammar books, websites, and style guides to clarify specific grammar rules and guidelines.
  • Proofread and Edit: Always proofread your writing carefully. Editing allows you to catch and correct grammar mistakes before finalizing your work.
  • Practice Writing: The more you write, the better you become at grammar. Try keeping a journal, writing essays, or even starting a blog to practice regularly.
  • Learn from Mistakes: When you do make grammar mistakes, take them as opportunities to learn. Analyze your errors and strive not to repeat them.


In conclusion, mastering grammar is an ongoing process that requires practice and awareness. By avoiding these common grammar mistakes, you can significantly improve your communication skills, whether you’re writing an essay, sending an email, or engaging in a conversation.

Remember that even experienced writers can make these errors, so proofreading and editing your work are essential steps in the writing process. By continually striving to enhance your grammar skills, you’ll become a more effective communicator and leave a lasting impression with your words.

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