Home » 320 Positive Words That Start with T | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

320 Positive Words That Start with T | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

by Kimi

Your childhood has seen what is imprinted on your mind, and the friendships of that time that are still the best part of your life, the memory of which you can only recollect with these alluring positive words that start with T. These Tom and Jerry like friendships hold the innocence that is snatched from us being an adult but fortunately when we reunite, we revisit those times with such nostalgic positive words beginning with T and we turn back to that carefree child again.

These positive words that start with T will help your loved ones to decode your real feelings and also recognize the love and affection you hide under that tough exterior. When you love someone, you try to make them a better person but true love evolves gradually, no matter how many differences you have, how many fights you had but you always stick around like Tom stick by Jerry. However, sometimes we should express what we feel with such positive words starting with T.  

Your language demands the sweetness and sourness of these positive words that start with T so make your tasteless life a little spicy with these “T” words.

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Common Positive Words That Start with T

Take a cup of tea and enjoy these beautiful and refreshing positive words that start with T. Let’s have a look at some groundbreakingly amazing positive words starting with T.

1. Treat

  • Definition: a pleasurable event
  • Synonyms: celebration, entertainment
  • Example: It was his treat as he passed the CSS examination.

2. Thorough

  • Definition: exceptionally written or performed
  • Synonyms: meticulous, scrupulous  
  • Example: Shakespeare’s plays are thorough and drafted with precision. 

3. Trumpet

  • Definition: to announce or talk about something proudly to a lot of people
  • Synonyms: announce, declare   
  • Example: The museum has been loudly trumpeting its reputation as one of the finest.

4. Thrifty

  • Definition: utilizing money carefully
  • Synonyms: provident, prudent 
  • Example: He was very thrifty because his marriage was near.

5. Teach

  • Definition: to deliver knowledge
  • Synonyms: educate, instruct 
  • Example: She agreed to teach me English.

6. Tiny

  • Definition: very small
  • Synonyms: mini, small
  • Example: She bought a tiny little doll house.

7. Train

  • Definition: to instruct someone
  • Synonyms: teach, coach
  • Example: He trained his son to be a boxer like him.

8. Trustee

  • Definition: someone who is trusted
  • Synonyms: custodian, keeper
  • Example: He is a trustee of the national resources.

9. Today

  • Definition: at present
  • Synonyms: now. this day
  • Example: He earned his first salary today.

10. Tuition

  • Definition: to teach personally
  • Synonyms: teaching, instruction
  • Example: He gave me physics tuition.

Positive Words That Start with T to Describe a Person

The people we love are special so they deserve special treatment that only these positive words that start with T to describe a person can give. Let’s get ourselves updated with the best words starting with T to describe a person positively.

1. Talented

  • Definition: the one who has talent
  • Synonyms: gifted, skillful
  • Example: He is a talented musician.

2. Tender

  • Definition: the one who shows affection
  • Synonyms: caring, kind
  • Example: He was tender enough to not leaving her side in the hospital.

3. Tidy

  • Definition: arranged in order
  • Synonyms: neat, orderly
  • Example: His uniform was clean and tidy.

4. Timeless

  • Definition: remained famous forever
  • Synonyms: lasting, classic
  • Example: He acted in a timeless classic.

5. Tiptop

  • Definition: embodiment of perfection
  • Synonyms: superior, prime
  • Example: He is in tiptop shape as he exercises regularly.

6. Taxing

  • Definition: physically or mentally demanding
  • Synonyms: demanding, exciting
  • Example: Knowing the players in this game of chance is certainly taxing.

7. Tireless

  • Definition: the one who never gets tired
  • Synonyms: vigorous, energetic
  • Example: It is amazing how tireless he is for his age.

8. Together

  • Definition: with another person  
  • Synonyms: jointly, cooperatively
  • Example: They went to the party together.

9. Tolerant

  • Definition: the one who tolerates
  • Synonyms: liberal, unbiased
  • Example: He was tolerant towards the unnecessary criticism.   

10. Top

  • Definition: of higher degree
  • Synonyms: highest, upper
  • Example: He is on top of the ranking list.

Positive Words That Start with T to Describe Someone

No relationship lasts long when there is no expression involved so save your relationship with these positive words that start with T to describe someone. Let’s find some positive words beginning with T.

1. Touched

  • Definition: arousing feelings of sympathy or gratitude
  • Synonyms: moving, affecting
  • Example: He was touched by the way she expressed her love to him.

2. Tranquil

  • Definition: very calm
  • Synonyms: peaceful, restful
  • Example: I am tranquil after a long time now.

3. Tantalizing

  • Definition: very exciting to your senses
  • Synonyms: engrossing, enthralling
  • Example: He brushed her hair in a tantalizing way.

4. True

  • Definition: embodiment of reality
  • Synonyms: accurate, correct
  • Example: What he said was partly true.

5. Transparent

  • Definition: something that lets the light pass through it
  • Synonyms: clear, translucent
  • Example: The door was made of transparent glass.

6. Triumphant

  • Definition: the one who won a contest  
  • Synonyms: victorious, successful
  • Example: The triumphant look on his face said it all.

7. Trustworthy

  • Definition: the one who is worthy of trust
  • Synonyms: reliable, dependable
  • Example: He is a trustworthy person.

8. Truthful

  • Definition: the one who expresses truth fearlessly
  • Synonyms: honest, sincere
  • Example: The lie detector proved that he was truthful.

9. Thankful

  • Definition: the one who is grateful
  • Synonyms: glad, relieved
  • Example: He is thankful for the award he received.

10. Terrific

  • Definition: of great intensity
  • Synonyms: tremendous, huge
  • Example: He is a terrific painter.

Positive Words That Start with T to Keep You Inspired

Let’s get invested in the most inspiring words that start with T as they will lead you to your destiny. Find your lost inspiration in these positive words that start with the letter T.

1. Thriving

  • Definition: prosperously flourishing
  • Synonyms: successful, growing
  • Example: The desert turned rapidly into a thriving resort.  

2. Thrilling

  • Definition: very adventurous
  • Synonyms: exciting, stirring
  • Example: The hill park was a thrilling adventure.

3. Travel

  • Definition: to move from place to place
  • Synonyms: visit, explore
  • Example: He likes to travel but mostly to hilly areas.

4. Titanic

  • Definition: very humongous
  • Synonyms: colossal, gigantic  
  • Example: I saw the plane first time and seemed titanic to me.

5. Thankworthy

  • Definition: worthy of being thanked
  • Synonyms: admirable, creditable
  • Example: It was thankworthy the way he took care of me in the hospital.

6. Testimonial

  • Definition: to testify to someone’s character and qualifications.
  • Synonyms: reference, recommendation
  • Example: Can you contact him for testimonial purposes?

7. Tenable

  • Definition: able to be defended
  • Synonyms: justifiable, sustainable
  • Example: Some of the scientific theories were tenable but most weren’t.

8. Tasty

  • Definition: something of pleasant taste
  • Synonyms: delicious, delectable
  • Example: My mom makes tasty pasta.  

9. Tangible

  • Definition: able to be touched
  • Synonyms: noticeable, visible
  • Example: His tangible assets were all sold.  

10. Teeming

  • Definition: to swarm with something  
  • Synonyms: overflowing, full of 
  • Example: His farm was teeming with chickens.   

Positive Words That Start with T to Keep You Motivated

Motivation in these tough times is a must so collect some motivational words that start with T to lift your spirits. Let’s have a close look at some amazing words that start with T that are positive.

1. Twinkle

  • Definition: to shine
  • Synonyms: glitter, sparkle  
  • Example: The stars twinkle at the darkest hour.

2. Tuneful

  • Definition: possessing a pleasing tune
  • Synonyms: melodious, melodic
  • Example: The tuneful music in the coffee shop was incredible.

3. Tropical

  • Definition: suitable for use in the tropics
  • Synonyms: sultry, steamy
  • Example: Mango is a tropical fruit.

4. Treasure

  • Definition: valuable gems
  • Synonyms: riches, valuables
  • Example: The character found a treasure in the movie.

5. Transfix

  • Definition: to surprise someone
  • Synonyms: mesmerize, captivate
  • Example: The conference delegates were transfixed by her speech.

6. Tradition

  • Definition: generation to generation transmission of culture
  • Synonyms: heritage, lore 
  • Example: It was their tradition to play cricket.

7. Toothsome

  • Definition: very tasty
  • Synonyms: tasty, delicious
  • Example: The sweets were toothsome.

8. Therapeutic

  • Definition: relating to healing
  • Synonyms: healing, curative
  • Example: Yoga is a therapeutic measure. 

9. Tenacity

  • Definition: able to be firmly griped
  • Synonyms: persistence, determination 
  • Example: He gave his exams with exemplary tenacity.

10. Temperate

  • Definition: showing exemplary moderation 
  • Synonyms: moderate, controlled
  • Example: Some birds survive in temperate latitudes.

Positive Words That Start with T to Praise Other People

Praise others with these breathtakingly beautiful and nice words that start with T and goodness is rare when we spread some, we attract some. Let’s have a look at some positive T words.

1. Tremendous

  • Definition: great in all aspects
  • Synonyms: huge, enormous
  • Example: It was a tremendous year.

2. Tall

  • Definition: of more than average height, or of a particular height
  • Synonyms: high
  • Example: The girl is a little taller than her.

3. Tactful

  • Definition: skilled in dealing with problems
  • Synonyms: considerate, sensitive
  • Example: It was tactful of him not to leave her behind.

4. Talkative

  • Definition: talking a lot
  • Synonyms: chatty, garrulous
  • Example: She’s very happy, talkative, and outgoing.

5. Teammate

  • Definition: a mate in the team
  • Synonyms: partner, colleague
  • Example: My teammate played marvelously.

6. Transform

  • Definition: a tremendous change
  • Synonyms: change, modify
  • Example: I need to transform my room.

7. Tempting

  • Definition: very appealing
  • Synonyms: enticing, alluring
  • Example: The food she made was tempting.

8. Tenacious

  • Definition: attempting to keep a hold on something
  • Synonyms: firm, tight
  • Example: They should know their rights to be tenacious about them.

9. Tycoon

  • Definition: a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful
  • Synonyms: magnate, mogul
  • Example: A wealthy business tycoon proposed to her.

10. Trailblazer

  • Definition: the initiator or something
  • Synonyms: pioneer, innovator
  • Example: He was real trailblazer in technology.

List of Positive Words That Start with T for Impressive Resumes

Resume designing is an art and these inspirational words that start with T will teach you that. Let’s get ready for the praiseworthy list of positive words that start with T.    

1. Trained

  • Definition: the one who is taught a skill
  • Synonyms: instructed, coached
  • Example: I didn’t realize she was a trained nurse.

2. Tale

  • Definition: a story
  • Synonyms: narrative, account
  • Example: She told her child a beautiful fairy tale.

3. Team

  • Definition: a group of people working together
  • Synonyms: squad, bunch
  • Example: My team won the match by 5 runs.

4. Toss

  • Definition: to lightly pass something
  • Synonyms: throw, pitch
  • Example: He tossed the keys to me.

5. Talk

  • Definition: uttering, something
  • Synonyms: speak, chat  
  • Example: We need to talk about it.

6. Tower

  • Definition: to be very tall or large, usually in a way that makes people feel respect
  • Synonyms: stand, loom
  • Example: We turned the corner and there was the cathedral, towering in front of us.

7. Teamwork

  • Definition: the activity of working together in a group with other people, especially when this is successful
  • Synonyms: cooperation, collaboration, partnership
  • Example: Great teamwork got the team a last minute point.

8. Test

  • Definition: to do something in order to discover if something is safe, works correctly, etc., or if something is present
  • Synonyms: try out, check
  • Example: The manufacturers are currently testing the new engine.

9. Track

  • Definition: to record the progress or development of something over a period
  • Synonyms: record, follow
  • Example: The study tracked the careers of 1,226 doctors who trained at the Medical School.

10. Target

  • Definition: to select an object of attention
  • Synonyms: pick, select
  • Example: We target the man in black to be in the firm.

More Positive Words That Start with T

Are you ready for a more amazing list of good words that start with T? Let’s have the greatest most positive words with letter T at the table.   

1. Tone

  • Definition: something that is music to ears
  • Synonyms: sound, voice
  • Example: His tone seemed apologizing.

2. Tangy

  • Definition: having strong flavor
  • Synonyms: sharp, sour 
  • Example: The chips in the party were tangy.

3. Testament

  • Definition: evidence of a fact
  • Synonyms: testimony, witness
  • Example: The changes made are testament to the things we said earlier.

4. Think

  • Definition: a formation of connected ideas
  • Synonyms: ponder, reflect
  • Example: We must think about our future.

5. Thin

  • Definition: the one who is slim
  • Synonyms: lean, slender
  • Example: The book is thinner than the other one.

6. Timely

  • Definition: done at an incredible time
  • Synonyms: well timed, opportune
  • Example: This timely arrival amazed me.

7. Trendy

  • Definition: one that matches the recent trend
  • Synonyms: fashionable, stylish
  • Example: She took a trendy Halloween look.

8. Tutor

  • Definition: the one who gives personal tuitions
  • Synonyms: teacher, instructor  
  • Example: My tutor helped me pass my mathematics exam.

9. Tickle

  • Definition: something that appeals to sense 
  • Synonyms: excite, arouse  
  • Example: The smell of pizza tickled my nose.

10. Tubular

  • Definition: like a tube 
  • Synonyms: tube-shaped, tube-form
  • Example: The tubular vessel broke in the lab.

Positive Words That Start with T – Full List (320 Words)

You don’t have to struggle; we are here with the list of positive words that start with T to amaze you and save your energy. We did the research for you, now you make a little effort to learn and share these wonderful “T” words.    

  • Tackle
  • Therapeutical
  • Tympanic
  • Trainer
  • Tootle
  • Tabernacle
  • Timeliness
  • Title-deed
  • Title
  • Trendsetter
  • Tribute
  • Tenaciously
  • Twinkle
  • Therapeutically
  • Testify
  • Tough
  • Thanks
  • Thank
  • Teetotal
  • Trig
  • Tolerant
  • Thank-offering
  • Tranquility
  • Tiny
  • Top-class
  • Tenable
  • Taxing
  • Trendy
  • Testimonial
  • tastful
  • Triumphantly
  • Trait
  • Thriller
  • Triune
  • Treat
  • Tower
  • Talent
  • Tidbit
  • True
  • Training
  • Tactic
  • Tangy
  • Teacher
  • Triple-crown
  • Truthfulness
  • tee-hee
  • Tradition
  • Trans-ship
  • Transfixed
  • Tune
  • Transcendental
  • Taught
  • Teetotaller
  • Trademark
  • Talk
  • Terribilità
  • Triumphally
  • Tamasha
  • Thoroughbred
  • Triumphal
  • Trace
  • Titanic
  • Transfigure
  • Tsar
  • Touch
  • Transfuse
  • Tangibly
  • Torch-bearer
  • Tandem
  • Tall
  • Titter
  • Tetragrammaton
  • Toss
  • Toothsome
  • Tutorial
  • Tactile
  • Touching
  • “Tastemaker   “
  • Topping
  • Tempting
  • Terrifically
  • Tireless
  • Talents
  • Toughen
  • Tempt
  • Teach
  • Team-spirit
  • Teach,coach
  • Toddle
  • Therapeutic
  • Trade
  • Try
  • Tame
  • Trained
  • Toastmistress
  • Trusty
  • Tasty
  • Taut
  • Traverse
  • Trusted
  • Tight
  • Thrice
  • Tangible
  • Transform
  • Thoroughgoing
  • Truly
  • Trust
  • Tailored
  • Tolerable
  • Tantalizingly
  • Truster
  • Tutorage
  • Top-level
  • Therapy
  • Tretis
  • Teammate
  • Talented
  • Tanned
  • Thorough
  • Theologian
  • Teachable
  • Tribune
  • Tubular
  • Teamwork
  • Trophy
  • Tweet
  • Trustworthy
  • Twitter
  • Terrific
  • Tizzy
  • Turning-point
  • Tolerator
  • Tuneful
  • Triumph
  • Tactual
  • Titan
  • Trustily
  • Take-charge
  • Turbocharge
  • Thankfulness
  • Twirl
  • Tickle
  • Transcend
  • Trumpet
  • Trump
  • Truth
  • Thumbs-up
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Top-brass
  • Tenderise
  • Topmost
  • Top-line
  • Thinker
  • Tinge
  • Trustful
  • Trove
  • True-hearted
  • Tropical
  • Toppers
  • Tenacity
  • Tastefully
  • Think
  • Topper
  • Toleration
  • Tog
  • Tutor
  • Temptation
  • Thankful
  • Treacle
  • Travel
  • Tastily
  • Tenderize
  • Tenderness
  • Totality
  • Testimony
  • Timeous
  • Tow
  • Transcendent
  • Thankworthy
  • Timely
  • Tale
  • Transfix
  • Trustworthily
  • Turgent
  • Team-player
  • Team
  • Teeming
  • Truthfully
  • Together
  • Triumvirate
  • Tell
  • Throne
  • Top-quality
  • Top-tier
  • Thrilled
  • Test
  • Temptingly
  • Transformation
  • Tenancy
  • Time-saving
  • Thrifty
  • Treatment
  • Teaching
  • Totally-tubular
  • Thin
  • Togetherness
  • Triumphant
  • Trip
  • Thorough-paced
  • Tantalizing
  • Truthful
  • Type
  • Thoroughly
  • Today
  • Titbit
  • Tuition
  • Tittilation
  • Therapeutist
  • Tasteful
  • Trinity
  • Tidy
  • Tremendous
  • Titleholder
  • Tostmaster
  • Track
  • Thrills
  • Titivate
  • Thrill
  • Thrift
  • Tensile
  • Thrillingly
  • Tolerance
  • Theology
  • Tranquil
  • Temperate
  • Tycoon
  • Tempean
  • Troubleshoot
  • Thankfully
  • Toast
  • Thoughtful
  • Tactful
  • Tirelessly
  • Tender-hearted
  • Transfiguration
  • Tastic
  • Transfer
  • Tender
  • Titanis
  • Tarzan
  • Titillate
  • Treasure
  • Top-flight
  • Tailor-made
  • Trendify
  • Target
  • Testament
  • Tantalize
  • Trim
  • Trouble-free
  • Tenderly
  • Transformative
  • Thriving
  • Thought-provoking
  • Tolerably
  • Trekkie
  • Thanksgiving
  • Time
  • Torch
  • Tranquillity
  • Transparent
  • Team-ministry
  • True-blue
  • Traveled
  • Trisagion
  • Tenacious
  • Thirst
  • Twinkling
  • Touched
  • Trending
  • Time-honored
  • Trust-fund
  • Trusting
  • Take
  • Timeless
  • Total
  • Tiptop
  • Thrilling
  • Train
  • Transmogrify
  • Tanable
  • Thoughtfully
  • Transact
  • Transient
  • Top
  • Tact
  • Transpicuous
  • Tip-top
  • Trustiness
  • Trustworthiness
  • Thriftiness
  • Titillating
  • Twinkly
  • Tough-love
  • Telegenic
  • Trustee
  • Tzar
  • Trooper
  • Thoroughness
  • Tingle
  • Top-notch
  • Trailblazer
  • Tickled
  • Thrive
  • Transnormal
  • Trustable
  • Tone
  • Thought
  • Talkative
  • Theocentric

Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with T

We acknowledge and appreciate your interest in our collection of positive words that start with T and we know you value your friends and family with all your hearts but expressing it to your Jerry is equally important and your language and vocabulary plays an important part in it which is enhanced with these wonderful positive words beginning with T.

We hope you enjoyed our beautifully creative positive words starting with T and are willing to share it with your loved ones making them realize how much you adore them and all your anger is just a little expression of unlimited love you carry for them. The love that these positive words that start with T holds in them like you do.

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