Home » 662 Adjectives That Start with T | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

662 Adjectives That Start with T | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

by Kimi

Adjectives that start with T are large in quantities and helpful in daily conversations. The following adjectives that start with T will be thoroughly reviewed, including synonyms, meanings, and examples.

Adjectives that start with T are as frequent as those beginning with other letters; they serve an important purpose in the English language. Adjectives are used to describe the properties of a noun or pronoun. Using these adjectives will help to sound more professional in your writing and speaking.

Learning these adjectives will not only help you grow your vocabulary, but it will also help you speak English more smoothly. Adjectives that start with T are classified into eight categories: positive adjectives, negative adjectives, popular and widely used adjectives, and so on.

Many descriptive words that start with T describe objects in the same way as those beginning with other letters. Studying adjectives beginning with T will get you one step closer to mastering the English language’s lexical range. And who doesn’t desire to impress their family and friends? So, let’s look at these T descriptors and see how they can be used.

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Common Adjectives That Start with T

In this section, we have covered some of the most common adjectives that start with T. These commonly used adjectives starting with T are provided with definitions, synonyms, and examples.

1. Tempting

  • Definition: being greatly pleasant and attractive to senses
  • Synonyms: alluring, beguiling, enticing
  • Example: He made some real tempting offer which he couldn’t refuse.

2. Tight

  • Definition: being constricted and firmly pressed
  • Synonyms: stiff, closed, firm, hard
  • Example: She couldn’t lift the tight lid of container.

3. Tiring

  • Definition: causing fatigue and tiredness
  • Synonyms: exhausting, arduous, laborious
  • Example: This is a very tiring exercise.

4. Taciturn

  • Definition: reserved or uncommunicative in speech
  • Synonyms: untalkative, uncommunicative, reticent
  • Example: She is a reserved and taciturn lady.

5. Trustworthy

  • Definition: being worthy of trust and reliance
  • Synonyms: reliable, dependable, honorable
  • Example: He is a very trustworthy friend of mine.

6. Tremendous

  • Definition: being excessive and monumental
  • Synonyms: huge, enormous, immense
  • Example: There is a tremendous amount of work which is still undone.

7. Thin

  • Definition: being of slender and slim build
  • Synonyms: skinny, slim, lean
  • Example: This is a very thin piece of paper and not of good quality.

8. Terse

  • Definition: being compact and compressed
  • Synonyms: brief, compact, short
  • Example: She gave a loud but terse laugh.

9. Thick

  • Definition: being profuse and abundant
  • Synonyms: dense, heavy, compact
  • Example: It is difficult to lift this thick bundle.

10. Teenage

  • Definition: Of being the young age of 13 to 19
  • Synonyms: teen, young, juvenile
  • Example: She was not allowed to enter in the bar because she is a teenage girl.

Positive Adjectives That Start with T

Positive adjectives that start with T can be found here. It is always vital to employ a positive term to describe someone or something to inspire or motivate others around you. Reading through these positive adjectives might help you improve your vocabulary.

1. Thankful

  • Definition: feeling or showing appreciation and gratitude
  • Synonyms: appreciative, grateful, pleased
  • Example: She gave a very thankful response.

2. Tasty

  • Definition: having a good taste and appeal
  • Synonyms: delicious, yummy, appetizing
  • Example: This is a very tasty traditional food.

3. Timely

  • Definition: being on time without any delay
  • Synonyms: opportune, prompt, punctual
  • Example: That was an accurate and timely reminder.

4. Talented

  • Definition: filled with talent and competence
  • Synonyms: expert, adept, proficient
  • Example: John Lennon was one of the most talented singers of his time.

5. Thrifty

  • Definition: being careful and prudent in spending
  • Synonyms: frugal, parsimonious, economical
  • Example: She is a thrifty woman and knows well how to spend money.

6. Thoughtful

  • Definition: being heedful and attentive
  • Synonyms: kind, considerate, contemplative
  • Example: He is a very generous and thoughtful person.

7. Top

  • Definition: of the supreme value or rank
  • Synonyms: peak, pinnacle, maximum
  • Example: She wants to buy the top quality products food her newborn baby.

8. Tidy

  • Definition: marked by order and cleanliness
  • Synonyms: clean, neat, orderly
  • Example: She is a very sophisticated lady and keeps a tidy house.

9. Tender

  • Definition: being gentle and warm
  • Synonyms: affectionate, loving, sympathetic
  • Example: She carries a tender heart beneath her cold expression.

10. Tasteful

  • Definition: filled with good taste and appeal
  • Synonyms: delicious, yummy, appetizing, tasty
  • Example: She always cooks tasteful food.

Adjectives That Start with T to Describe a Person

Please go through our list of adjectives that start with T to describe a person. Adjectives are used to describe one of a people’s most unique features. Please make use of them as much as possible.

1. Timid

  • Definition: lacking confidence and assertive influence
  • Synonyms: shy, bashful, diffident
  • Example: No one could believe that she is the same timid person.

2. Tactful

  • Definition: full of prudence and knowledge about applying tactics to get the desired outcome
  • Synonyms: sensible, diplomatic, discreet
  • Example: He is a tactful sales executive and knows how to convince people.

3. Tolerant

  • Definition: having the quality of tolerance and leniency
  • Synonyms: indulgent, patient, forbearing
  • Example: Usually, he is a very tolerant man around kids.

4. Thrilled

  • Definition: being extremely delighted and excited
  • Synonyms: overjoyed, excited, elated
  • Example: His concert was filled with thrilled fans.

5. Trustful

  • Definition: being capable of trust and reliance
  • Synonyms: trustworthy, credulous, confiding
  • Example: Her husband is a very loyal and trustful man.

6. Talkative

  • Definition: being inclined towards talks and conversations
  • Synonyms: chatty, voluble, verbose
  • Example: She is surely a talkative person.

7. Tough

  • Definition: having a great physical and mental strength
  • Synonyms: strong, sturdy, robust
  • Example: You can’t compete with a muscular and tough man like him.

8. Touchy

  • Definition: being easily annoyed and responsive
  • Synonyms: peevish, testy, sensitive
  • Example: He is a touchy man and doesn’t like to hear critics.

9. Tenacious

  • Definition: being obstinate and unwavering to external influence
  • Synonyms: resolute, persistent, unyielding
  • Example: He should be appreciated for his tenacious determination.

10. Tactless

  • Definition: lacking prudence and knowledge about applying tactics to get the desired outcome
  • Synonyms: undiplomatic, indiscreet, impolitic
  • Example: They would not be able to finalize this deal because of their tactless dealer.

Adjectives That Start with T to Describe Someone

The use of T words to describe someone is simple, but the impact on readers or listeners is tremendous. You will notice how much more informed you feel after adding these describing words beginning with T that describe a person in your vocabulary.

1. Truthful

  • Definition: being real and true
  • Synonyms: candid, sincere, genuine
  • Example: His lawyer proved that he was a truthful witness.

2. Tanned

  • Definition: having tan skin because of sunlight
  • Synonyms: suntanned, bronzed, brown
  • Example: The sunlight of California made him a tanned man.

3. Tearful

  • Definition: full of tears and sorrow
  • Synonyms: teary, weeping, emotional
  • Example: There were many tearful people at his funeral.

4. Tiny

  • Definition: being short and little in height, amount, or quantity
  • Synonyms: small, little, petite
  • Example: She is a tiny woman and cannot reach the upper shelf.

5. Troublesome

  • Definition: causing trouble and annoyance
  • Synonyms: vexing, irritating, bothersome
  • Example: He is a little mischievous and troublesome child.

6. Tall

  • Definition: being heighted
  • Synonyms: high, giant, towering
  • Example: Though he is a tall man, he couldn’t reach the topmost rack.

7. True

  • Definition: being truthful and dutiful
  • Synonyms: genuine, right, loyal
  • Example: He is a judicious and true officer.

8. Thankless

  • Definition: showing no appreciation and gratitude
  • Synonyms: ungrateful, unappreciative, rude
  • Example: She is a thankless child and disobeys her parents.

9. Torpid

  • Definition: mentally or physically inactive
  • Synonyms: lethargic, sluggish, inert
  • Example: She became torpid, fat, and hideous to look upon.

10. Tired

  • Definition: marked with a lack of energy and strength
  • Synonyms: exhausted, fatigued, drained
  • Example: She was massaging the feet of her tired father.

Popular Adjectives That Start with T

Here is a list of popular adjectives that start with the letter T to assist you in making your speech more professional and precise as you move through it. These popular adjective words that start with T are discussed in detail in this article, along with meanings and synonyms.

1. Territorial

  • Definition: of or relating to a territory
  • Synonyms: regional, land, geographical
  • Example: Both parties should arbitrate for the territorial dispute.

2. Traditional

  • Definition: of or relating to a culture or tradition
  • Synonyms: customary, cultural, conventional
  • Example: She looks very pretty in her traditional dress.

3. Tattooed

  • Definition: having tattoo designed on skin
  • Synonyms: marked, inked, designed
  • Example: He was feeling pain in his recently tattooed arm.

4. Tangible

  • Definition: which is touchable and exist physical
  • Synonyms: physical, material, substantial
  • Example: You have to consider abstract as well as tangible factors.

5. Tailored

  • Definition: being customized and adapted
  • Synonyms: customized, made-to-order, tailor-made
  • Example: She was wearing a pink tailored costume in the party.

6. Tapered

  • Definition: being in a conical shape
  • Synonyms: narrowed, pointed, conical
  • Example: He bought many tapered nozzles for his bakery.

7. Tardy

  • Definition: being lazy and late
  • Synonyms: sluggish, late, laggard
  • Example: Justin is a tardy person and he is again late for mathematics class.

8. Traitorous

  • Definition: characteristic of a traitor
  • Synonyms: treacherous, disloyal, treasonous
  • Example: He is a traitorous man.

9. Technical

  • Definition: of or relating to mechanics and tools
  • Synonyms: mechanical, machinery, technic
  • Example: They hired technician to rectify the technical errors.

10. Tedious

  • Definition: causing weariness and boredom
  • Synonyms: boring, bland, exhaustive
  • Example: I can understand how you enjoyed this tedious work.

Useful List of Adjectives That Start with T

T adjectives are found here, and they are essential for our daily conversation. Using the list of adjectives that start with T may help you talk more clearly and effectively. How many of the following descriptors do you already know?

1. Testable

  • Definition: which can be tested and proved
  • Synonyms: verifiable, confirmable, valid
  • Example: We have provided testable findings.

2. Thornless

  • Definition: lacking thorns or spikes
  • Synonyms: easy, convenient, comfortable
  • Example: There is never a thornless path to success.

3. Timesaving

  • Definition: which saves time owing to speed and efficiency
  • Synonyms: prompt, expeditious, efficient
  • Example: This is an easy to use and timesaving machine.

4. Topical

  • Definition: bearing an up-to-date relevance and connection
  • Synonyms: current, contemporary, recent
  • Example: He was asked to prepare a discussion paper on any topical issue.

5. Tangy

  • Definition: having a sharp and sour flavor
  • Synonyms: tart, piquant, sour
  • Example: This cream has a tangy taste.

6. Tenderhearted

  • Definition: having a sensitive and sentimental heart
  • Synonyms: sensitive, considerate, emotional
  • Example: He is a tenderhearted man and always helps needy.

7. Trained

  • Definition: having undergone required training and study
  • Synonyms: competent, skilled, expert, adept
  • Example: He is a trained and professional heart surgeon.

8. Torturous

  • Definition: being filled with torture and agony
  • Synonyms: agonizing, painful, tormenting
  • Example: Travelling with him was a torturous task.

9. Thorough

  • Definition: which is intensive and all-out
  • Synonyms: deep, complete, intensive
  • Example: She is a great teacher who gives a thorough understanding of the topic.

10. Temporary

  • Definition: for the time being
  • Synonyms: impermanent, transient, interim
  • Example: All of these are temporary arrangements.

Negative Adjectives That Start with T

The section below contains a list of negative adjectives with letter T. We hope you find this list beneficial in your journey to learn negative adjectives that start with T.

1. Terrible

  • Definition: being extremely bad and awful
  • Synonyms: ghastly, horrendous, horrid
  • Example: She is going through some terrible life experiences.

2. Tasteless

  • Definition: lacking good taste and flavor
  • Synonyms: bland, flavorless, insipid
  • Example: He was not eating this tasteless food.

3. Tense

  • Definition: being uneasy and anxious
  • Synonyms: edgy, nervous, jittery, jumpy
  • Example: He was instructing his tense friend before his presentation.

4. Tarnished

  • Definition: being discolored and damaged in appearance
  • Synonyms: taints, blackened, discolored
  • Example: He was holding an old and tarnished copper key.

5. Tiresome

  • Definition: causing weariness and tiredness
  • Synonyms: tedious, weary, exhaustive
  • Example: He refused to do this tiresome ritual.

6. Taunting

  • Definition: marked with taunts and ridicule
  • Synonyms: sarcastic, mocking, jeering
  • Example: His taunting laughter was enough to embarrass her.

7. Tepid

  • Definition: lacking interest and enthusiasm
  • Synonyms: uninterested, indifferent, half-hearted
  • Example: There review got a cold and tepid response.

8. Taboo

  • Definition: which is banned and not allowed
  • Synonyms: proscribed, forbidden, prohibited
  • Example: Mental and psychological illness is still a taboo subject in our society.

9. Temperamental

  • Definition: being unpredictable and suddenly changeable
  • Synonyms: moody, mercurial, cranky
  • Example: He is a very rude and temperamental boy.

10. Tattered

  • Definition: being worn out and in poor state
  • Synonyms: ragged, shabby, torn
  • Example: He was trying to find a place through an old tattered picture.

More Adjectives That Start with T

This section comprises descriptive words beginning with T to help you extend your ideas and improve your communication skills. Check out our list of adjectives that start with T.

1. Transparent

  • Definition: which is obvious to senses
  • Synonyms: clear, apparent, evident
  • Example: It is a transparent fact that she is pretty.

2. Trendy

  • Definition: being in trend and prevalent
  • Synonyms: up-to-date, modern, current
  • Example: She bought a trendy apartment near beach.

3. Typical

  • Definition: which is usual and conforming to existing norms
  • Synonyms: ordinary, average, common
  • Example: This is a typical case of kidnapping.

4. Tuneful

  • Definition: bearing a melodious sound filled with pleasant tunes
  • Synonyms: musical, harmonious, rhythmical
  • Example: Every night, her mother would sing her a tuneful song.

5. Threatening

  • Definition: creating fear and intimidation
  • Synonyms: dangerous, intimidating, frightening
  • Example: He scared away children with his threatening laughter.

6. Toxic

  • Definition: of or relating to toxins
  • Synonyms: poisonous, deadly, harmful
  • Example: Industry should not dispose toxic chemical in water.

7. Twinkling

  • Definition: marked by glitter and sparkle
  • Synonyms: glistening, shining, bright
  • Example: She was painting a night sky with a lot of twinkling stars.

8. Tragic

  • Definition: marked with intense sorrow and anguish
  • Synonyms: disastrous, terrible, grievous
  • Example: He still gets teary while recalling his tragic past memories.

9. Trivial

  • Definition: not worthy of much attention and concern
  • Synonyms: insignificant, minor, minimal
  • Example: He is making a huge mess out of this trivial issue.

10. Tricky

  • Definition: characterized by tricks and complexities
  • Synonyms: difficult, complex, complicated
  • Example: You should answer it carefully as it’s a tricky question.

Adjectives That Start with T – Full List (662 Words)

For your comfort, we’ve gathered a list of adjectives that begin with the letter T. To go through all of the adjectives described above and learn some other adjectives, look at the list of adjectives that start with T below.

  • Thirsty
  • Teetotal
  • Tangerine
  • Tenth
  • Terete
  • Tricky
  • Tarry
  • Timbered
  • Triumphant
  • Tweedy
  • Timeworn
  • Tutelar
  • Toothless
  • Transitive
  • Torrid
  • Twiggy
  • Tough
  • Testaceous
  • Tenfold
  • Tzarist
  • Transformational
  • Touching
  • Thoreauvian
  • Transdermal
  • Tyrolese
  • Tinny
  • Trendy
  • Thankless
  • Tod
  • Trifoliated
  • Teeny
  • Tritanopic
  • Transmissible
  • Telepathic
  • Trophotropic
  • Testimonial
  • Therapeutic
  • Tilled
  • Teenage
  • Thermometric
  • Timely
  • Tenebrous
  • Turbulent
  • Trinucleate
  • Terminable
  • Throaty
  • Tensional
  • Taxonomic
  • Tearful
  • Tattooed
  • Tip-top
  • Treeless
  • Tight
  • Thallophytic
  • Tumid
  • Tunisian
  • Tricuspidate
  • Timid
  • Technological
  • Tightfisted
  • Turbid
  • Thenal
  • Taunting
  • Tentacular
  • Transatlantic
  • Tacky
  • Transformable
  • Tasseled
  • Transplacental
  • Tired
  • Tattered
  • Thickspread
  • Transnational
  • Tusked
  • Trendsetting
  • Thermodynamic
  • Tremendous
  • Twentieth
  • Triple
  • Trepid
  • Textural
  • Tendinous
  • Tautological
  • Trillion
  • Telluric
  • Triangulate
  • Trackless
  • Taoist
  • Trashed
  • Toneless
  • Tripartite
  • Trimotored
  • Tetrametric
  • Top
  • Tricksy
  • Terrestrial
  • Tapestried
  • Tricentenary
  • Treelike
  • Trilingual
  • Twitchy
  • Tractable
  • Thornless
  • Tiny
  • Transferable
  • Tralatitious
  • Texan
  • Tinselly
  • Thinned
  • Twoscore
  • Thrifty
  • Tailless
  • Their
  • Thumbed
  • Touristed
  • Thinkable
  • Tepid
  • Tasselled
  • Tomentose
  • Tiring
  • Telemetered
  • Totalitarian
  • Titular
  • Trinucleated
  • Travelable
  • Transmittable
  • Thermionic
  • Tyrannous
  • Topical
  • Tenor
  • Toothy
  • Trusting
  • Trifoliate
  • Toupeed
  • Tractive
  • Topnotch
  • Togolese
  • Tubby
  • Tippy
  • Troublous
  • Tripinnate
  • Truculent
  • Teenaged
  • Tantamount
  • Traversable
  • Tentative
  • Torpid
  • Truncated
  • Tenable
  • Tricolor
  • Twelfth
  • Talky
  • Tillable
  • Tautologic
  • Theoretic
  • Thalassic
  • Thespian
  • Tapered
  • Tensed
  • Toxicologic
  • Triune
  • Trite
  • Transmontane
  • Transeunt
  • Thrilled
  • Tentacled
  • Thermonuclear
  • Tolerable
  • Tenebrific
  • Theban
  • Touched
  • Thermoplastic
  • Trim
  • Tricuspid
  • Token
  • Telescoped
  • Tingling
  • Tallish
  • Treble
  • Tragicomic
  • Tranquillizing
  • Tegular
  • Telltale
  • Tonsorial
  • Temptable
  • Trabeated
  • Transmundane
  • Tightfitting
  • Ticking
  • Transmutable
  • Temporal
  • Tabu
  • Terrible
  • Taliped
  • Talkative
  • Thousandth
  • Trapezoidal
  • Twenty
  • Tireless
  • Thickheaded
  • Tsaristic
  • Topographic
  • Tobagonian
  • Thrashed
  • Tasty
  • Tympanic
  • Treatable
  • Trifoliolate
  • Transactinide
  • Triangular
  • Tuscan
  • Tragic
  • Tranquil
  • Trenchant
  • Thyroidal
  • Taurine
  • Tiresome
  • Thickening
  • Tuneful
  • Tabby
  • Triclinic
  • Thriftless
  • Traditional
  • Triumphal
  • Topknotted
  • Taxpaying
  • Timeless
  • Twilight
  • Troubling
  • Thorny
  • Tormented
  • Transcutaneous
  • Thoughtless
  • Tart
  • Toxicological
  • Tracheal
  • Tearless
  • Totemic
  • Tined
  • Treacherous
  • Typic
  • Tuberculous
  • Testicular
  • Thenar
  • Therapeutical
  • Tenured
  • Trilobate
  • Thermic
  • Transistorized
  • Tall
  • Toeless
  • Tatterdemalion
  • Tremulous
  • Tolerant
  • Torrential
  • Thundering
  • Thoroughbred
  • Textile
  • Talentless
  • Transitory
  • Tactile
  • Thyroid
  • Thermoset
  • Twilit
  • Terrifying
  • Tantrik
  • Theatrical
  • Through
  • Terse
  • Terefah
  • Tarsal
  • Translunar
  • Trilled
  • Trigonometric
  • Trustful
  • Tanned
  • Tranquilizing
  • Tuberculate
  • Telephonic
  • Talented
  • Terrified
  • Thirteen
  • Tropical
  • Tanzanian
  • Transonic
  • Tibetan
  • Temperamental
  • Toxic
  • Tacit
  • Turkic
  • Translucent
  • Trabeculate
  • Teutonic
  • Tutorial
  • Transformative
  • Trancelike
  • Tantalizing
  • Tuneless
  • Totaled
  • Trilateral
  • Tongueless
  • Tangled
  • Tellurian
  • Trophoblastic
  • Throwaway
  • Taiwanese
  • Transvestic
  • Tendencious
  • Taupe
  • Twinning
  • Tuxedoed
  • Trifid
  • Traitorous
  • Tannish
  • Trojan
  • Thousand
  • Truant
  • Tactless
  • Talismanic
  • Touchy
  • Toothed
  • Transcendent
  • Trifling
  • Taxing
  • Threadlike
  • True
  • Theocratic
  • Transsexual
  • Teasing
  • Tardive
  • Thoughtful
  • Tedious
  • Trabecular
  • Tabular
  • Tetragonal
  • Trackable
  • Twisted
  • Tensile
  • Trig
  • Tinseled
  • Totalistic
  • Tragical
  • Transplanted
  • Transplantable
  • Trilobed
  • Thready
  • Troublesome
  • Truehearted
  • Timesaving
  • Tactical
  • Tympanitic
  • Triplex
  • Thracian
  • Textbook
  • Trick
  • Totipotent
  • Threepenny
  • Titulary
  • Teratogenic
  • Tubular
  • Training
  • Toothsome
  • Theological
  • Teensy
  • Tuppeny
  • Thwartwise
  • Topping
  • Transcultural
  • Topologic
  • Tonic
  • Trinuclear
  • Tartaric
  • Tubed
  • Traceable
  • Thunderstruck
  • Tenderhearted
  • Thorough
  • Tearing
  • Threadbare
  • Tightlipped
  • Toilsome
  • Truthful
  • Tyrolean
  • Testy
  • Targeted
  • Teentsy
  • Toothlike
  • Tasmanian
  • Together
  • Temporary
  • Tricentennial
  • Trochaic
  • Thirdhand
  • Transitional
  • Telekinetic
  • Tonguelike
  • Traumatic
  • Torturesome
  • Tectonic
  • Tutelary
  • Triennial
  • Tender
  • Telegraphic
  • Ticklish
  • Tubercular
  • Thickset
  • Tiddly
  • Taxable
  • Torturous
  • Trashy
  • Tawny
  • Thinking
  • Timeserving
  • Terrene
  • Ternary
  • Thirteenth
  • Trilobated
  • Tidal
  • Theistical
  • Troubled
  • Twinkling
  • Typographical
  • Tyrannic
  • Tomboyish
  • Tref
  • Teary
  • Tangential
  • Transpolar
  • Tempestuous
  • Thoracic
  • Tantalising
  • Trabeate
  • Transverse
  • Tropic
  • Transposable
  • Thermolabile
  • Tomentous
  • Turbaned
  • Terrific
  • Trimmed
  • Transgendered
  • Technophobic
  • Tractile
  • Theoretical
  • Thermostatic
  • Tragicomical
  • Transient
  • Tumultuous
  • Thoroughgoing
  • Toroidal
  • Thistlelike
  • Telegnostic
  • Tearaway
  • Trained
  • Typical
  • Twee
  • Tiptop
  • True-blue
  • Twinned
  • Typographic
  • Tetchy
  • Tudor
  • Transcendental
  • Thieving
  • Transalpine
  • Tetanic
  • Tsarist
  • Total
  • Technophilic
  • Trinidadian
  • Tyrannical
  • Textual
  • Tongan
  • Thievish
  • Tamil
  • Traveled
  • Theist
  • Taillike
  • Thriving
  • Trichromatic
  • Timorese
  • Twinkly
  • Third
  • Taxonomical
  • Tactual
  • Trophic
  • Tortious
  • Tenuous
  • Trigonal
  • Twopenny
  • Tempted
  • Tipsy
  • Talebearing
  • Tibial
  • Transcontinental
  • Techy
  • Togged
  • Tied
  • Trichrome
  • Turbinate
  • Translatable
  • Trusted
  • Then
  • Tantric
  • Tertian
  • Tousled
  • Threescore
  • Tokenish
  • Thick
  • Tribadistic
  • Tertiary
  • Twelve
  • Touchable
  • Transformed
  • Tensionless
  • Translunary
  • Tenacious
  • Turkmen
  • Temperate
  • Trusty
  • Technical
  • Tickling
  • Threefold
  • Twilled
  • Thunderous
  • Tattling
  • Topless
  • Thirtieth
  • Thrillful
  • Thyrotoxic
  • Teen
  • Transuranic
  • Tarnished
  • Touristy
  • Twin
  • Tardy
  • Tottery
  • Tatty
  • Tenanted
  • Trivalent
  • Tetramerous
  • Tame
  • Tangy
  • Tortuous
  • Tinkly
  • Thalamocortical
  • Thundery
  • Tainted
  • Trousered
  • Thrilling
  • Tetravalent
  • Tubal
  • Teeming
  • Thickened
  • Trivial
  • Telocentric
  • Transvestite
  • Tenebrious
  • Tufted
  • Thermal
  • Torulose
  • Treasonable
  • Tonal
  • Topmost
  • Titanic
  • Tinned
  • Trapped
  • Toxicant
  • Tendentious
  • Twofold
  • Triassic
  • Translational
  • Toadyish
  • Truncate
  • Transportable
  • Treasonous
  • Tawdry
  • Taboo
  • Tumescent
  • Testable
  • Tailored
  • Triploid
  • Turgid
  • Thankful
  • Tempting
  • Tannic
  • Turkish
  • Thirty
  • Transpiring
  • Trihydroxy
  • Treasured
  • Terpsichorean
  • Taloned
  • Thalloid
  • Tidy
  • Tangible
  • Trustworthy
  • Testate
  • Transparent
  • Transdermic
  • Tender-hearted
  • Tested
  • Tartarean
  • Towering
  • Throbbing
  • Tan
  • Thoriated
  • Thermosetting
  • Tameable
  • Threatened
  • Teachable
  • Thermoelectric
  • Threatening
  • Tuberous
  • Tajikistani
  • Tiptoe
  • Throated
  • Telescopic
  • Twisty
  • Tenderised
  • Tense
  • Timorous
  • Thrombosed
  • Thematic
  • Towheaded
  • Tamed
  • Tahitian
  • Territorial
  • Trimmer
  • Treed
  • Trillionth
  • Terminological
  • Tessellated
  • Ternate
  • Thumping
  • Throwback
  • Tasteless
  • Teal
  • Trainable
  • Taciturn
  • Tinpot
  • Topographical
  • Tripping
  • Tuberculoid
  • Tributary
  • Transversal
  • Tenderized
  • Tramontane
  • Transoceanic
  • Theistic
  • Twiglike
  • Tubeless
  • Tactful
  • Tasteful
  • Thin
  • Tubelike
  • Tigerish
  • Testamentary
  • Topological
  • Tribal
  • Terminal
  • Theatrically

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with T

We examined adjectives starting with T above, along with their meanings, synonyms, and examples to help you use them appropriately. To make them simpler to grasp, we’ve divided these descriptive words that start with T into eight various categories, including positive, negative, describing someone, describing a person, and more.

If you utilize the above-mentioned adjectives that start with T in your everyday life, you will communicate more effectively. Practicing is the best way to learn, so be brave and use them as required every day.

Congratulations on making it to the end of this article! We’re sure you feel educated now that you’ve read all of the adjectives that start with T, don’t you? Remember to use these adjectives frequently if you want to wow others with your vocabulary.

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