Home » 590 Nouns That Start with T | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

590 Nouns That Start with T | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

by Kimi

Prepare yourself to discover some new and intriguing nouns that start with T that could be a good fit for your writing and speaking style. Nouns beginning with T are extremely important and are frequently used in our everyday speech. In our phrases and sentences, for example, we regularly employ nouns such as tea, taste, temperature, treatment, trust, and so on.

Although almost everyone uses nouns to label things or express certain notions, utilizing the right noun at the right place and the right time needs a certain level of English proficiency. These nouns starting with T, as well as their incorporation into sentences, will help you move closer to your goal of being an individual with a distinct and eye-catching writing style.

This list of nouns that start with T that we have created for you includes definitions, synonyms, and examples for each noun listed. This will not only help you learn these nouns that start with T more effectively, but you will also have the opportunity to study nouns that are comparable in meaning to those listed below. So keep an eye out for synonyms as well.

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Common Nouns That Start with T

The following is a collection of nouns that start with T that we commonly use to describe our surroundings. You may also add new words to this list of nouns starting with T that you are familiar with.

1. Task

  • Definition: a piece of work assigned to someone
  • Synonyms: duty, function
  • Example: Teacher has assigned new task to the class.

2. Taste

  • Definition: sensation that is produced while eating a particular food
  • Synonyms: appetite, palate
  • Example: She love the taste of garlic.

3. Topic

  • Definition: the subject of something being discussed
  • Synonyms: affair, matter
  • Example: On which topic are going to give your presentation?

4. Truck

  • Definition: a motor vehicle designed to transport goods
  • Synonyms: wagon, van
  • Example: This truck is full of mangoes.

5. Temperature

  • Definition: measure of hotness or coldness
  • Synonyms: warmth, heat
  • Example: Temperature in this part of the world is continuously on the rise.

6. Text

  • Definition: the written words in a book, magazine, etc.
  • Synonyms: quotation, verse
  • Example: You should read the text of this novel before coming to the class.

7. Technique

  • Definition: skill used or required in a particular field
  • Synonyms: mastery, expertise
  • Example: What is it that makes this technique superior?

8. Tobacco

  • Definition: dried leaves which people smoke in cigarettes, pipes, etc.
  • Synonyms: smoking, cigarette
  • Example: They are selling tobacco without a permit.

9. Trust

  • Definition: firm belief in the ability of someone or something
  • Synonyms: faith, belief
  • Example: I have put my trust in her.

10. Thirst

  • Definition: a feeling of wanting to drink a liquid
  • Synonyms: drought, dehydration
  • Example: The horse satisfied its thirst at the river.

Positive Nouns That Start with T

Positive words have a worldwide appeal. We get overwhelmed with joy when we stumble upon them while reading or writing. The following are some of those positive nouns that start with T.

1. Treatment

  • Definition: the act or manner of treating a patient for an illness
  • Synonyms: therapy, surgery
  • Example: Michelle is receiving treatment for cholera.

2. Trip

  • Definition: a journey for pleasure
  • Synonyms: outing, visit
  • Example: We should go on a trip to the mountains.

3. Theater

  • Definition: a building where plays are performed
  • Synonyms: auditorium, playhouse
  • Example: I watched this movie in the theater last Sunday.

4. Tolerance   

  • Definition: the ability to deal with pain or hardship
  • Synonyms: endurance, fortitude
  • Example: You need to show tolerance in this regard.

5. Teamwork

  • Definition: the collaborative effort of a group of people
  • Synonyms: synergy, collaboration
  • Example: Teamwork is really important if you want to progress to the final stage of this tournament.

6. Timetable

  • Definition: a list of the times when particular activities are to be performed
  • Synonyms: plan, schedule
  • Example: There are two Literature classes listed in the timetable.

7. Tradition

  • Definition: customs or beliefs passed from one generation to another
  • Synonyms: lore, heritage
  • Example: Each country has its own cultural tradition.

8. Triumph

  • Definition: a great achievement
  • Synonyms: win, victory
  • Example: A great crowd bore witness to our triumph.

9. Treasure

  • Definition: very valuable things
  • Synonyms: jewels, riches
  • Example: Ali Baba found a big treasure in the cave.

10. Temperament

  • Definition: mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person
  • Synonyms: personality, nature
  • Example: Lawyer’s temperament was tested in the court.

Nouns That Start with T to Describe a Person

People are often grouped together into different classes on the basis of their actions, professions, characters, etc. Here are some of those nouns that start with T to describe a person.

1. Thief

  • Definition: a person who steals something
  • Synonyms: burglar, robber
  • Example: The thief got caught while thieving.

2. Twin

  • Definition: one of two children born to single pregnancy
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: I didn’t know they are twins.

3. Tailor

  • Definition: a person who sew clothes
  • Synonyms: dressmaker, outfitter
  • Example: The tailor hasn’t returned my suit yet.

4. Team

  • Definition: a group of people who compete in a sport
  • Synonyms: squad, group
  • Example: Indian team looks really strong on paper.

5. Teenager

  • Definition: someone who is between 13 and 19 years old
  • Synonyms: adolescent, youth
  • Example: This teenager will go places in future, mark my words!

6. Tribe

  • Definition: a group of people who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history
  • Synonyms: dynasty, race
  • Example: In Umuofia, a council of elders governed the whole tribe.

7. Therapist

  • Definition: someone whose job is to treat mental illness
  • Synonyms: counselor, psychologist
  • Example: You need to seek help from a therapist.

8. Target

  • Definition: object that someone’s aim for an attack or to kill
  • Synonyms: kill, prey
  • Example: Ever since he became a politician he has become target for the terrorists.

9. Talker

  • Definition: a person who talks a lot
  • Synonyms: babbler, conversationalist
  • Example: Nadeem is a big talker.

10. Tourist

  • Definition: a person who loves travelling especially to the countryside
  • Synonyms: wanderer, wayfarer
  • Example: Pakistan is attracting a lot of tourists these days.

Nouns That Start with T for Kindergarten

Having trouble finding the right kind of nouns to teach to your children? Well, you don’t need to worry. Here are some interesting nouns that start with the letter T that you can teach them.

1. Tree

  • Definition: a tall plant with a trunk and long branches
  • Synonyms: bush, shrub
  • Example: The boy is sitting under the tree.

2. Table

  • Definition: piece of furniture with a flat top and legs used for eating, or working at
  • Synonyms: bench, desk
  • Example: Put the rice on the table.

3. Toothpaste

  • Definition: a paste or gel used with a toothbrush for cleaning one’s teeth
  • Synonyms: mouthwash
  • Example: Which toothpaste do you use?

4. Teeth

  • Definition: the hard white objects in your mouth used for biting and chewing
  • Synonyms: tusk, fang
  • Example: This girl has got really white teeth.

5. Teacher

  • Definition: one who teaches
  • Synonyms: tutor, instructor
  • Example: Teacher is teaching the kids.

6. Toilet

  • Definition: a platform with a hole into which a person may urinate or defecate
  • Synonyms: latrine, bathroom
  • Example: You can go the toilet but you need to ask my permission.

7. Tea

  • Definition: a drink that is made by soaking the dried leaves of an Asian plant in hot water
  • Synonyms: beverage
  • Example: Tea freshens up our mind.

8. Taxi

  • Definition: a motor vehicle typically fitted with a taximeter
  • Synonyms: cab
  • Example: His father drives a taxi.

9. Time

  • Definition: the thing that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc.
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: You should always come to the school on time.

10. Tie

  • Definition: narrow cloth for neck which hangs towards the waist
  • Synonyms: necktie, neckwear
  • Example: That boy is wearing a beautiful tie.

Useful List of Nouns That Start with T

This world of ours has a lot of useful things in it. The noun words that start with T given below name some of those things. Share this list of nouns that start with T with your friends as well.

1. Tool

  • Definition: a device used to carry out a particular function
  • Synonyms: device, instrument
  • Example: Have you got the right tools for this job?

2. Tablet

  • Definition: a small solid mass of medicine
  • Synonyms: capsule, pill
  • Example: You should instant take this tablet to cure your malarial symptoms.

3. Tissue

  • Definition: a piece of soft, thin paper used for cleaning
  • Synonyms: paper-towel, toilet-paper
  • Example: Monica dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.

4. Transport

  • Definition: a system of conveying people or goods from one place to another
  • Synonyms: transportation, conveyance
  • Example: I have loved the experience of using public transport.

5. Tuition

  • Definition: teaching of individual pupils or small groups
  • Synonyms: schooling, education
  • Example: I am getting a tuition to understand these difficult concepts.

6. Talent

  • Definition: natural aptitude to do something
  • Synonyms: ability, expertise
  • Example: This new show is a celebration of young talent.

7. Test

  • Definition a critical examination carried out to check the quality or reliability of something
  • Synonyms: trial, experiment
  • Example: The initial tests have shown huge promise for this product.

8. Ticket

  • Definition: a piece of paper that allows you to attend an event
  • Synonyms: coupon, token
  • Example: Have you reserved the tickets to the movie?

9. Trade

  • Definition: a basic economic concept of buying and selling goods
  • Synonyms: business, commerce
  • Example: The fur trade has now exceeded timber in our area.

10. Trimming

  • Definition: removing or cutting small pieces of something
  • Synonyms: shaving, cutting
  • Example: That guy has done the trimming of these shrubs with great precision.

Proper Nouns That Start with T

Here is another interesting category of nouns for you. In this category you will find proper nouns that start with T.

1. Thailand

  • Definition: Thailand is a Southeast Asian country
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: They are going to Thailand for their honeymoon.

2. Thomas

  • Definition: name of a person
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Thomas has got the role of a protagonist in a movie.

3. Tokyo

  • Definition: Tokyo is Japan’s capital
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: This is going to be my first visit to Tokyo.

4. Toby

  • Definition: name of a person
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Toby has let all of his friends down.

5. Tajikistan

  • Definition: Tajikistan is a landlocked nation in Central Asia
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: My brother is doing MBBS from a university Tajikistan.

6. Tabitha

  • Definition: name of a person
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Tabitha has been accepted to Harvard university.

7. Tehran

  • Definition: Tehran is the capital of Iran
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: The weather in Tehran is really unpredictable.  

8. Taipei

  • Definition: Taipei is the political and cultural center of Taiwan
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: While in Taipei Rachel stayed at a five star hotel.

9. Tahoe

  • Definition: Tahoe is a lake in eastern California
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: They took some really beautiful shots of the Lake Tahoe.

10. Trinidad and Tobago

  • Definition: Trinidad and Tobago is a Caribbean nation near Venezuela
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Famous cricketer Phil Simmons hails from Trinidad and Tobago.

Unusual Nouns That Start with T to Boost Vocabulary

If you wish to become acquainted with some unusual concepts, a list of unusual nouns that start with T is a good place to start. One such list of nouns beginning with T is given below.

1. Tantrum

  • Definition: a sudden period of extreme anger
  • Synonyms: outburst, temper
  • Example: Ross threw a tantrum on the school bus.

2. Temerity

  • Definition: reckless boldness
  • Synonyms: audacity, chutzpah
  • Example: You have the temerity to call me a liar!

3. Teetotaler

  • Definition: a person who abstains from alcohol
  • Synonyms: abstainer, prohibitionist.
  • Example: Chandler’s dad was a teetotaler who didn’t permit alcohol in his home.

4. Tapestry

  • Definition: a heavy cloth that has designs woven into it
  • Synonyms: throw rug. wall-to-wall carpeting
  • Example: This tapestry is a work of art.

5. Tango

  • Definition: an energetic dance from South America
  • Synonyms: dance, twirl
  • Example: They danced a beautiful tango.

6. Tariff

  • Definition: tax levied upon goods
  • Synonyms: cost, duty
  • Example: The government has set a tariff of 36% on wool cloth.

7. Tarpaulin

  • Definition: heavy waterproof cloth used as a covering
  • Synonyms: tarp, cloth
  • Example: The men sheltered under a tarpaulin when it started to rain.

8. Transcendence

  • Definition: the quality of being able to go beyond normal limits
  • Synonyms: eminence, fineness
  • Example: I took the idea of transcendence from Golding’s novels.

9. Tidbit

  • Definition: a choice morsel of food
  • Synonyms: bite, delicacy
  • Example: Isn’t it a juicy tidbit?

10. Temperance

  • Definition: the practice of always controlling your actions
  • Synonyms: control, measure
  • Example: The old man was preaching temperance to people.

More Nouns That Start with T

Here are some more T nouns for you to learn. It is hoped that you will find these nouns with letter T interesting as well.

1. Tiger

  • Definition a large, wild cat with a yellow-brown fur
  • Synonyms: jaguar, leopard
  • Example: The tiger prowled through the jungle.

2. Traffic

  • Definition: the number of vehicles moving along roads
  • Synonyms: trucks, vehicles
  • Example: There is such a heavy traffic today.

3. Threat

  • Definition: situation or activity that could cause harm Synonyms: ultimatum, warning
  • Example: Viola’s words contained an implicit threat.

4. Translation

  • Definition: the process of converting text from one language to another
  • Synonyms: transfer, relocation
  • Example: Scot Fitzgerald’s translation of Omar Khayyam’s poetry is a pure work of art.

5. Torture

  • Definition: the act of inflicting excruciating pain to someone
  • Synonyms: ill-treatment, maltreatment
  • Example: Kim’s confession was extracted under torture.

6. Tape

  • Definition: a narrow sticky material used to fasten things
  • Synonyms: ribbon, strap
  • Example: He used tape to tie up the severed wire.

7. Testimony

  • Definition: a declaration made under oath
  • Synonyms: affidavit, evidence
  • Example: John’s testimony is a complete fiction.

8. Thoroughfare

  • Definition: a way or place for passage
  • Synonyms: highway, lane
  • Example: Don’t park your vehicle on a busy thoroughfare.

9. Tragedy

  • Definition: a very sad event or situation
  • Synonyms: calamity, misfortune
  • Example: That traffic accident was really a tragedy.

10. Theocracy

  • Definition: a type of government in which some deity is the leading authority
  • Synonyms: monarchism, monarchy
  • Example: Their country still remains a theocracy.

Nouns That Start with T – Full List (590 Words)

All of the nouns that we have discussed in detail with you above are included in the list of nouns that start with T provided below together with a lot more ones for you to learn yourself.

  • Thirst
  • Territory
  • Trucker
  • Thud
  • Tread
  • Trademark
  • Triol
  • Tomb
  • Testament
  • Tyranny
  • Treasurer
  • Tularemia
  • Thruway
  • Thrill
  • Tunic
  • Tuition
  • Trouble
  • Tranquilizer
  • Target
  • Toby
  • Task
  • Trusty
  • Tail
  • Theater
  • Tulle
  • Thwump
  • Trauma
  • Tranquility
  • Trisodium
  • Tray
  • Twist
  • Trotter
  • Thrower
  • Timidity
  • Taste
  • Tahoe
  • Taskmaster
  • Troubie
  • Transience
  • Trollop
  • Topcoat
  • Tempera
  • Transition
  • Turbulence
  • Termination
  • Taunt
  • Tehran
  • Triad
  • Teeth
  • Tolerance
  • Typewriter
  • Trust
  • Trump
  • Thermometry
  • Troop
  • Tableau
  • Triservice
  • Trim
  • Teletype
  • Trash
  • Truckdriver
  • Turret
  • Trough
  • Titer
  • Trail
  • Telephone
  • Trooper
  • Transparency
  • Teardrop
  • Trifle
  • Telegrapher
  • Temper
  • Trivia
  • Treatise
  • Training
  • Third
  • Thailand
  • Typhoon
  • Tint
  • Theory
  • Throng
  • Tetrasodium
  • Tyme
  • Transmission
  • Ton
  • Teenager
  • Toadyism
  • Titration
  • Thyronine
  • Trade
  • Turnpike
  • Tumbler
  • Thyroglobulin
  • Trader
  • Talk
  • Teakwood
  • Tyrosine
  • Tissue
  • Theaf
  • Tilth
  • Twitter
  • Toad
  • Teleology
  • Thump
  • Trilogy
  • Topography
  • Trawler
  • Temperament
  • Throne
  • Tetrachloride
  • Therapy
  • Thief
  • Thermistor
  • Tektite
  • Troubleshooter
  • Treaty
  • Tide
  • Total
  • Trick
  • Talent
  • Theatre
  • Turnaround
  • Townsmen
  • Tripod
  • Towne
  • Toaster
  • Twilight
  • Thyratron
  • Totality
  • Transference
  • Tenement
  • Twirler
  • Tramway
  • Thermometer
  • Tea
  • Trustee
  • Taffeta
  • Toner
  • Toddler
  • Telepathy
  • Troup
  • Torture
  • Tempo
  • Transcendence
  • Train
  • Tradition
  • Theology
  • Troopship
  • Track
  • Throttle
  • Traveler
  • Transformer
  • Tournament
  • Translucency
  • Television
  • Tablespoon
  • Triplication
  • Thread
  • Teacher
  • Tidbit
  • Translucence
  • Transformation
  • Testimonial
  • Tapdance
  • Thought
  • Tokyo
  • Texture
  • Turkey
  • Tappet
  • Thoroughfare
  • Thanks
  • Thorn
  • Tootsie
  • Textile
  • Trumpeter
  • Thick
  • Tedium
  • Trickle
  • Topic
  • Transcript
  • Tot
  • Tinsel
  • Tie
  • Tableland
  • Toxin
  • Tone
  • Terror
  • Tarpaulin
  • Taffy
  • Tire
  • Temperance
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Toil
  • Tajikistan
  • Torque
  • Terrier
  • Treason
  • Turpentine
  • Tonsil
  • Ticker
  • Technique
  • Torpor
  • Trachea
  • Teaspoon
  • Toy
  • Tailor
  • Tricolor
  • Terminal
  • Ticklebrush
  • Trot
  • Tube
  • Tripolyphosphate
  • Typography
  • Thinker
  • Turmoil
  • Triamcinolone
  • Tic
  • Transaction
  • Teaching
  • Temptation
  • Torrent
  • Typhoid
  • Truism
  • Theft
  • Toilet
  • Torpedo
  • Tango
  • Touch
  • Terrain
  • Tribunal
  • Theorem
  • Technician
  • Text
  • Tidy
  • Tank
  • Trenchermen
  • Top
  • Tailback
  • Transferee
  • Turnoff
  • Turban
  • Twister
  • Tropocollagen
  • Ticket
  • Trait
  • Term
  • Teddy
  • Transgression
  • Tract
  • Tribe
  • Tungsten
  • Tag
  • Taxation
  • Type
  • Torso
  • Tragedy
  • Tandem
  • Tunnel
  • Trinket
  • Taipei
  • Tribesmen
  • Trusteeship
  • Takeoff
  • Tangent
  • Tension
  • Tax
  • Truck
  • Terry
  • Teaspoonful
  • Turtle
  • Testicle
  • Tick
  • Tidewater
  • Title
  • Tamale
  • Tackle
  • Trickster
  • Triviality
  • Tower
  • Tablespoonful
  • Thrush
  • Tally
  • Throughput
  • Trouser
  • Teaming
  • Trap
  • Toffee
  • Tweed
  • Teammate
  • Tenspot
  • Thaw
  • Tribute
  • Transmitter
  • Transfer
  • Tribulation
  • Tonic
  • Translator
  • Triphenylphosphine
  • Tenacity
  • Tremor
  • Theologian
  • Titanium
  • Transferral
  • Township
  • Tung
  • Tsunami
  • Trundle
  • Teetotaler
  • Trial
  • Takeover
  • Transducer
  • Trombonist
  • Tinder
  • Transient
  • Trapezoid
  • Trophy
  • Tweak
  • Tow
  • Tariff
  • Turbine
  • Timepiece
  • Turntable
  • Truth
  • Tenderfoot
  • Tulip
  • Transportation
  • Tole
  • Thwart
  • Tomato
  • Trimester
  • Tide-mark
  • Thimble
  • Triumph
  • Titleholder
  • Terminology
  • Testimony
  • Toothpaste
  • Ticktack
  • Tintype
  • Tug
  • Touchdown
  • Timetable
  • Tangency
  • Thiamin
  • Teacart
  • Tenure
  • Trip
  • Thrombi
  • Turf
  • Teamster
  • Taboo
  • Triphosphopyridine
  • Turbofan
  • Tweezer
  • Take
  • Tip
  • Transpiration
  • Teamwork
  • Tollhouse
  • Topnotch
  • Troupe
  • Thor
  • Teakettle
  • Trill
  • Tarpon
  • Taxpayer
  • Tortoise
  • Tropidoclonion
  • Tannin
  • Translation
  • Town
  • Textbook
  • Temple
  • Thug
  • Trunk
  • Topgallant
  • Twin
  • Theatregoer
  • Triple
  • Tradesmen
  • Toolmaker
  • Try
  • Theme
  • Tenancy
  • Thyroid
  • Touchstone
  • Tack
  • Treble
  • Thomas
  • Truculence
  • Truce
  • Trainman
  • Transmutation
  • Timesaver
  • Traditionalism
  • Twinkle
  • Typeface
  • Tilt
  • Traffic
  • Transaminase
  • Temperature
  • Telescope
  • Tree
  • Tender
  • Timber
  • Triangle
  • Tornado
  • Threat
  • Tiller
  • Tycoon
  • Toothbrush
  • Twosome
  • Thicket
  • Threshhold
  • Taper
  • Tear
  • Threshold
  • Teen
  • Tantrum
  • Twitch
  • Thumb
  • Toe
  • Tee
  • Triphenylstibine
  • Tune
  • Tailgate
  • Thiouracil
  • Tollgate
  • Thwack
  • Treadmill
  • Trapper
  • Townsman
  • Typology
  • Tool
  • Transferor
  • Tuba
  • Therapist
  • Turnery
  • Toast
  • Thunk
  • Throat
  • Tendency
  • Tin
  • Tempest
  • Tractor
  • Tour
  • Tansy
  • Turtleneck
  • Thong
  • Tapestry
  • Turn
  • Technology
  • Trumpet
  • Timbre
  • Torch
  • Trio
  • Transshipment
  • Toleration
  • Tooth
  • Transit
  • Teahouse
  • Tangle
  • Thanksgiving
  • Trek
  • Trolley
  • Tourist
  • Transcendent
  • Typicality
  • Tan
  • Travelogue
  • Tease
  • Tab
  • Tub
  • Telegraphy
  • Towel
  • Typescript
  • Trend
  • Tavern
  • Throw
  • Transistor
  • Testator
  • Tagua
  • Trance
  • Torment
  • Transcription
  • Tabac
  • Tallyho
  • Trajectory
  • Thrust
  • Thermopile
  • Tabulation
  • Traitor
  • Tombstone
  • Trapdoor
  • Tiger
  • Trace
  • Tertian
  • Traveller
  • Tact
  • Theocracy
  • Thunder
  • Taint
  • Tar
  • Topsoil
  • Threesome
  • Tiptop
  • Transom
  • Test
  • Tabitha
  • Thermostat
  • Toadfish
  • Turnover
  • Tympan
  • Treat
  • Toll
  • Table
  • Toadstone
  • Transport
  • Traditionalist
  • Trailer
  • Tutor
  • Tang
  • Totalitarianism
  • Temerity
  • Travel
  • Tranquillity
  • Trestle
  • Transposition
  • Tongue
  • Teaser
  • Tape
  • Tramp
  • Twaddler
  • Tactic
  • Thyroxine
  • Template
  • Treasury
  • Thermocouple
  • Tobacco
  • Tile
  • Tallow
  • Triphenylarsine
  • Thigh
  • Turnout
  • Terrace
  • Twiddle
  • Thermoplastic
  • Tense
  • Telegraph
  • Torsion
  • Taxi
  • Treasure
  • Trout
  • Tart
  • Token
  • Triplet
  • True-blue
  • Tout
  • Time
  • Treatment
  • Trailblazer
  • Thumbnail
  • Tablet
  • Twinge
  • Telegram
  • Torquer
  • Transvestitism
  • Tumble
  • Triptych
  • Taxicab
  • Team
  • Thiihng
  • Tap
  • Tumor
  • Theatergoer
  • Tale
  • Tambourine
  • Talker
  • Trimming
  • Tenant
  • Tyrant
  • Tentacle
  • Trench
  • Tolylene
  • Today
  • Tincture
  • Turquoise
  • Tenor
  • Tent
  • Termini

Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with T

Let us now sum up our discussion of nouns that start with T. We recognize that a single list of nouns beginning with T may not be sufficient to boost your writing and speaking abilities. However, learning to correctly employ even half of these nouns will have a significant influence on your writing and speaking style.

Nouns starting with T, of course, have a variety of purposes in writing and sentence building, so use them with caution and intelligence. Also, make sure to read all of the synonyms and example sentences to fully get the meaning of each of the nouns that start with T listed above. Happy learning!

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