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Top 10 Cyber Security Tips and Practices (2023 Update)

by Kimi

Hackers and cybercriminals always struggle to attack internet-connected devices and services. Cyber security is a field that is ever ready to protect these services and devices from such attacks.

The world is now fully dependent on technology. This trend demands the severe need for cyber security as a safeguard against such threats to save our information and all other services and devices.

This article presents a comprehensive list of tips that can be used to secure our assets from such malicious threats. 

1. Keep Your Software Updated

A comprehensive tip to ensure cyber security against ransomware is to discourage the patching of outdated software. This helps to ensure the removal of dangerous attacks that hackers use to take control of devices in your domain. 

2. Install Antimalware and Antivirus 

As soon as somebody is connected to the internet, he comes under the risk of attacks from hackers which can steal your precious data. So, it’s almost impossible to have complete protection. However, you can significantly reduce your vulnerability by ensuring you have an anti-virus. AV software blocks malware and other malicious viruses from entering your device and compromising your data.

3. Strong Passwords

You should create your password carefully and put effort into it. They are important in keeping hackers out of your data. While creating one, you should consider:

  • You should opt for something with eight characters and with a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Don’t use the same password on two different accounts.
  • The password should contain one lowercase letter, one capital letter, one number, and four symbols.

4. Regular Backup of Data

The top IT companies follow a simple rule called the 3-2-1 backup rule. Meaning, they will keep three copies of their data on two different types of media such as on a local and an external hard drive, and another copy in a location that is off-site 

If you ever get affected by any kind of malware, the only way to restore your data is to erase your data and systems and restore it with a recently performed backup.

5. Refuse Public Networks

After you connect to a public network, it means you are also sharing the network with everyone else who is also connected. Don’t use public Wi-Fi without connecting to a Virtual Private Network (VPN). By using VPN software, the connection between your device and the VPN server is encrypted. It means it is more difficult for a hacker or a cybercriminal to obtain access to the data on your device.

In today’s technologically advanced world, protecting data requires investments in EMP bags for protection. The sensitive data held on electronic equipment is protected from electromagnetic radiation by these bags. The danger of data loss or corruption brought on by unforeseen electromagnetic disturbances can be reduced by utilizing EMP bags by people and organizations, improving data security. For privacy and business continuity, protecting data from these dangers is essential.

6. Use More Authentication

It is another layer of protection that helps verify that it is you who is trying to log in to your account and not someone unauthorized. Without this extra layer of protection, you would normally enter a username and password to log in to any account. But, with this method of authentication, you would have to enter another form of information, such as another password or even a fingerprint.

7. Verify Links before Clicking

Links can easily be hidden as something they’re not. So, it’s best to check and be sure before you click. Even some of the hyperlinks in the article can land you in deep trouble. Links in emails are a way used by cybercriminals to trick people into giving up their information. So, one has to be careful when visiting new sites.  

8. Disable Bluetooth

Devices can be hacked via Bluetooth and your private information can be stolen. So, always remember to disable it when you are not using it.

9. Refuse Online Usage of Debit Cards

A lot of websites allow you to save your credit card information to make buying much easier for you in the future. Don’t do it. Breaches in this way can happen all the time. There’s no way your information can be stolen if your credit card data isn’t saved on the site. When you have to pay during online shopping, try to use PayPal and other methods that are not directly connected to your bank account.

10. Care against Social Media

Social media is a way to keep in touch and stay connected with friends and family. But be careful of what you are sharing online. Hackers can learn a lot of data about you by going through your public profile, depending on the information you have shared online.

Some bonus tips:

  • Learn more about phishing scams
  • Be careful of suspicious emails
  • Use HTTPS for your website
  • Avoid unnecessary downloads

Cybercrime is one of the fastest-growing crimes. It continues to impact businesses globally. You can browse, enjoy, shop, and download on the web with these tips while feeling safe about your data. 

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