Home » Oklahoma: Benefits of Green Cleaning for Commercial Spaces

Oklahoma: Benefits of Green Cleaning for Commercial Spaces

by Kimi


Cleaning services are in the limelight since cleanliness is a big deal after COVID-19 took us all by storm. It is all about sanitization and protecting yourself from the dust and dirt which can harbor such diseases.

Since the pandemic hit us, it has been a battle of increasing our immune system while cleaning our space. However, if there is one more thing we humans have realized, it is the importance of the environment’s safety as well. There, indeed, is no Planet B!

This is where the concept of green cleaning comes into the picture. Many commercial cleaning services are now coming to terms with the green cleaning movement, changing the chemicals they initially used while cleaning. It is all about being more sustainable.

In this excerpt below, we will discuss more about ‘green cleaning’ and why it benefits commercial spaces.

What is Green Cleaning

What Is Green Cleaning

Green is a term associated with anything sustainable. Even when it comes to cleaning a space, being overly selfish and not caring about how it is impacting the environment is a myopic thought.

This is why cleaning services are going green; these means:

  • Not wasting too much water while cleaning.
  • Using electrical equipment which is more energy efficient.
  • Using natural cleaning products rather than emitting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reduces air quality. Although it gives better results, it is bad to breathe (for the people in the commercial space and the people who are working in the space).

How Green Cleaning Can Benefit Any Commercial Space

How Green Cleaning Can Benefit Any Commercial Space

If you are looking for a professional cleaning service around Oklahoma, it is better to go for the ones that are more equipped with the green cleaning strategy. Here is how it can benefit you:

1. A Unique Brand Identity

Audience psychology has changed drastically in the last decade. There was a time when a good product could have beaten any environmental hazard. But, with the advent of social media, people are more aware of the conditions of their surroundings.

Plus, they are more likely to invest in a company that has maintained its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards the environment and has built better work ethics.

Therefore, hiring a green commercial cleaning will add highly to your brand identity. Customers will be lining up to collaborate (since they are not just buyers anymore) with such a company.

2. Gratitude From Your Employee

You are not just making your customers happy but also filling your employees with gratitude. One of the reasons why the green cleaning movement started is to eradicate the volatile toxins previously used for cleaning. They were certainly harmful to the cleaners, but their effects didn’t wear off even hours after the cleaning.

This means they degraded the air quality and made everyone in the space breathe in the toxic air. However, when you invest a little extra to get a green cleaning service, you are not subjecting your employees to potential sickness.

Plus, there are employees in the office who could be allergic to such materials, or they might have asthma worsened by the volatility in the air.

Using toxin-free products and also giving them a clean, sanitized space to breathe and work in will make them understand that the employers care for their well-being.

There is no better element of motivation than gratitude!

3. Extended Property Life

Continuous usage of such toxins can deplete the conditions of the floors and walls, and corrode the foundation, eventually leading it to crumble slowly. The harsh chemicals on the products can lead to the deterioration of the material and make the colors look dull.

After a few cleaning, the entire property could look old and lose the freshness of the renovations and paints.

This is why using volatile-free products for cleaning is so important; it ensures zero surface damage upon every cleaning.

Afterall, a commercial space that is used by multiple people throughout the day cannot survive cleaning every six months.

Go Green!

Going green will also allow you to understand the importance of sustainability and how the little change that you make can inspire others.

Afterall, you will be outrunning your competitors with your excellent product/service and sustainability formula in no time.

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