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Time-Saving Tips for Growing Fast-Flowering Cannabis Seeds

by Kimi

Growers across the USA are getting into cannabis cultivation day by day, wishing to create their own stock of therapeutically beneficial weed without dependence on dispensaries. This approach is wise and rewarding, as you can select the strain depending on your specific preferences and expectations, THC and CBD strength, terpene profile, and desired therapeutic effects. Besides, you can control the cultivation process and feed your plants only with high-quality, organic fertilizers to ensure your weed’s purity and safety. 

However, whether indoors or outdoors, growing weed at home often becomes a hassle, especially for novice cultivators without significant experience. You need to germinate seeds, watch them grow into young plants, and then transplant them into pots or containers for further stages of the growing cycle. Throughout that entire period, you need to keep the plants properly watered and fertilized, protected against pests and mold, and thriving in the specific temperature and humidity range. Considering all these aspects is harder than it seems at first, and many cultivators spend too much time on their plantations. 

We’ve decided to help you develop a smart, time-saving approach to weed cultivation. This article shares a couple of pro growing tips that can speed up the yield collection and minimize the amount of time you dedicate to your crops, even if you’re growing Fast Flowering Cannabis Seeds https://askgrowers.com/seeds/fast-flowering. Let’s find out how to make your growing project a no-brainer. 

Plant Your Weed Outdoors

The first and most obvious tip for saving your time and helping you achieve satisfying yields is to plant weed outdoors. You may choose your backyard or garden; if you don’t have that free space in your dwelling, try to find a remote, private spot in a nearby forest and plant your weed there. Anyway, outdoor planting saves you the trouble of monitoring the environmental conditions that nature regulates on its own. If you plant the fast-flowering strains indoors, you will most likely reap the yields at the same time compared to outdoor planting. Still, at the same time, you will spend hours every day to settle the proper lighting, air circulation, dehumidification, and many other aspects of the optimal environment for weed. Thus, with an outdoor plantation, you will surely receive the same outcomes with less effort. 

Try Hydroponics 

The term ‘hydroponics’ may sound intimidating for beginners, but it saves time and increases your yields if you master this growing technique. Experienced cultivators also report that hydro growing is faster, meaning that your fast-flowering seeds will grow even quicker than usual. Thus, this method is worth considering seriously once you accumulate some basic growing experience and are ready to move to the next level. 

Try Hydroponics

Use Clones 

Opting for clones instead of seeds is a huge time-saver for any grower. The best thing about clones is that they’re already healthy and well-developed plants, so you don’t need to worry about seed germination and the seedling’s survival during the first weeks of the plant’s growth. Fast-flowering seeds, unlike autos, allow creating clones from a mother plant, and you will have to go through the seed-to-harvest cycle only once. Choose one of the plants from your crops that you consider robust and resilient enough, and make several clones from it, enjoying a faster cycle of weed cultivation. 

Reduce the Amount of Light 

Fast-flowering seeds are photoperiod, so they thrive and develop in the vegetative stage with plenty of light – at least 16-18 hours a day. Yet, if you want to force your plant to flower earlier than expected, you can easily manipulate the lighting schedule and trigger the flowering period 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule. However, you need to check the plants’ health and readiness for flowering, as immature plants may stop growing altogether after experiencing significant light reduction. 

Choose Larger Containers 

If you grow weed in larger containers, you ensure that the roots of your plants get better oxygenation and retain water better. Thus, you will avoid the hassle of watering your plants daily by letting them accumulate some water in the larger amounts of soil. By reducing the watering frequency, you can save much precious time and spend it on other meaningful activities. 

Use Super Soil 

Most growers recommend using organic, pre-amended soil for their cannabis plants instead of the regular soil you can find outdoors. The reason for such arrangements is simple; such packs of soil are specifically formulated for the cannabis plants’ needs and contain a well-balanced mix of fertilizers that can boost plant growth and ensure their healthy development. This way, you can simplify the fertilization process, at least during the first phases of plant growth. 

Optimize the Grow Room 

The way you organize the grow room may also save you much time or cause unnecessary fuss and waste. Expert growers recommend arranging the space to give you easy access to a water source (it may be a sink or a garden hose, depending on the chosen growing setup). This way, you won’t need to travel with buckets or containers back and forth a dozen times a day. Another pro tip is to organize water disposal wisely; cannabis watering rules suggest that you should pour water into the container until you see 20% runoff from its bottom. However, if you do the watering indoors, the disposal of runoff water may be challenging. The simplest way to arrange runoff is to put all pots with plants into a plastic tray, from which the water can be removed with a compact water vacuum. 

Don’t Stop on the Achieved 

Finally, the tip for all novices who have read a couple of blogs or watched YouTube videos about weed cultivation: don’t stop and continue learning all the time. You’re sure to grow healthier, taller plants with higher yields every new season as your experience grows. Try new methods and experiment with growing media and soil types; your hands-on expertise will help you achieve new heights and mastery.

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