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10 Essential Online Writing Tools to Improve Your Efficiency

by Kimi

It’s not a secret that writing is a challenging job. It is never easy to come up with brilliant ideas, select appropriate words, apply proper grammar, and organize the content effectively.

Whether you are an excellent writer or just an average student, you will constantly experience these feelings while writing an essay, article, or blog post.

If you want to avoid experiencing these feelings, you must be capable of working efficiently. Fortunately, there are several great writing tools available online to help you write better.

Here we’ve listed 10 best writing tools to help you write like a boss regardless of your skill level.

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is a best free writing tool that checks your writing for grammatical, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and stylistic errors.

It is fairly simple to use. You may just put any English text into Grammarly’s editor or download Grammarly’s free browser extension for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge.

The tool employs algorithms to detect potential issues in the text and makes suggestions for context-specific grammar, spelling, wordiness, style, and punctuation corrections.

2. Hemingway

This application, which is named after the novelist Ernest Hemingway, who was renowned for his short, concise, and straightforward writing style, is intended to help you write more concisely by underlining “wordy phrases, adverbs, passive voices, and other lexical atrocities as you type.”

Hemingway Editor makers claim that the tool “makes your writing bold and unambiguous.”

The Hemingway Editor eliminates “dead weight,” or any other unnecessary text, from your writing by underlining wordy sentences in yellow and more blatant ones in red.

3. Cliché Finder

Cliché Finder does exactly what it says on the tin: it searches through your writing for clichés and then flags them for you. Cliché Finder tool highlights the overused words, phrases, and expressions in your writing.

It uses a special algorithm and a dictionary of overused phrases to provide results. The tool also highlights potential spelling errors as well as clichés and hackneyed phrases. Additionally, it provides alternatives for several words.

4. ProWritingAid

No matter where you’re writing, ProWritingAid is a tool you can install that will proofread and spell-check your writing for you. Along with grammar tips, it will also offer advice on how to enhance your language usage as a whole.

5. Thesaurus

Thesaurus includes a huge amount of synonyms and antonyms to generate engaging content, making it one of the best and most useful free online tools for writers to improve their English writing proficiency.

If you want to generate enticing and persuasive content, use the lesser mediocre words suggested by the thesaurus in your content and see the amazing results.

Thesaurus usage has helped many accomplished authors create thought-provoking writing that has no chance of failing.

6. Surfer

If you want to create SEO-friendly content, Surfers Content Editor is one of the best content-writing tools for you. As you compose the text, the editor examines it for readability, keyword density, word count, and headlines.

The Surfer was developed with SEO-driven features given careful consideration that makes it the most SEO-friendly app on the list.

7. Draft

Do you appreciate it when someone gently taps you on the shoulder to remind you of something?

You’ll probably love using Draft since it can send you regular email reminders about your daily word count goals in addition to keeping track of how many words you write each day. (Of course, you may always turn the reminder function off if this sounds a little too “hands-on” for you.)

Apart from that, Draft operates very similarly to Google Docs, letting you track changes, collaborate via suggested changes, and leave comments on the document.

8. Focus-writer

You can write content with this simple tool without being sidetracked by other factors. You can establish your goals based on either word count or time.

To improve your focus even more, set alarms. This feature saves you time as the time spent is repeatedly checking.

Through the usage of this tool, create a conducive environment for productive online content creation that is free from distractions.

9. HubSpot’s blog ideas generator

HubSpot’s blog ideas generator is a writing tool that assists you in locating pertinent content and narrowing your writing niche.

When you get tired of looking for that textbook topic that audiences will love, just log into this app and observe the user intent magic.

It is one of the best content writing tools available for increasing your writing productivity and consistency.

10. Milanote

Milanote is a user-friendly creative writing app that lets you centrally organize your research, ideas, characters, and outline.

The concept of a linear text serves as the organizing principle for the great majority of novelist-focused writing software. However, writing isn’t linear for most individuals since thinking isn’t either.

Writing is about progressively organizing a jumble of ideas, and Milanote’s writing software is designed to reflect this process.

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