Home » 250 Adjectives That Start with W | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

250 Adjectives That Start with W | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

by Kimi

This article discusses adjectives that start with W. Adjectives beginning with W are abundant and frequently found in everyday language. With the help of this list of adjectives that start with W, which includes definitions, synonyms, and examples, you’ll be firmly on your way to expanding your lexicon in no time.

Adjectives provide important insight into the fundamentals of how we connect with others. In English, there are hundreds of descriptive words that start with W. This alphabet is one of the most routinely used in the English language. Adjectives are vital in characterizing a noun’s qualities or position. You may improve the professionalism of your writing by using these W adjectives.

In the following article, we have carefully split the adjectives that start with W into sections, and for each adjective, we have supplied its definition as well as an example phrase to make it easier for all readers to understand. This will assist you in correctly comprehending the words and avoiding misunderstandings! Let’s have a look at our selection of fantastic adjectives that start with W.

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Common Adjectives That Start with W

This section includes a collection of widely used adjectives starting with W. This list might help you write and speak more effectively and clearly in your everyday life. Here are 10 adjectives starting with W, along with definitions and examples.

1. Warm

  • Definition: being friendly and kind
  • Synonyms: cordial, affectionate, genial
  • Example: I really like her warm mother.

2. Wrong

  • Definition: not correct and true
  • Synonyms: mistaken, erroneous, false
  • Example: You are making too many wrong moves in his dance.

3. Worst

  • Definition: lowest in degree or extend
  • Synonyms: poor, undermost, inferior
  • Example: He gave the worst performance.

4. Wavy

  • Definition: marked with waves
  • Synonyms: curly, crinkly, crimped
  • Example: She has beautiful wavy hair.

5. White

  • Definition: of snow coloration
  • Synonyms: snowy, milky, pasty
  • Example: Every room in this house has one white wall with three different shaded walls.

6. Wrapped

  • Definition: being hidden under a wrap or cover
  • Synonyms: cloaked, covered, masked
  • Example: The wrapped gifts were being unwrapped by her.

7. Worn

  • Definition: in poor condition because of extended use
  • Synonyms: tattered, shabby, ragged
  • Example: You need to replace these worn ropes.

8. Whole

  • Definition: constituting all of something
  • Synonyms: entire, complete, total
  • Example: The whole crowd was shouting at him.

9. Wrecked

  • Definition: being devastated and damaged
  • Synonyms: ruined, destroyed, smashed
  • Example: The divers were collecting the pieces of wrecked boat.

10. Written

  • Definition: being codified in words
  • Synonyms: documented, transcribed, composed
  • Example: Britain has both written and unwritten constitution.

Positive Adjectives That Start with W

We all need a boost of positivity to get through a bad day. The positive adjectives that start with W are supplied to assist you with this problem. You may also use them to inspire your colleagues.

1. Witty

  • Definition: full of wit and intelligence
  • Synonyms: sensible, smart, sage
  • Example: He is a witty officer that’s why he identified the criminal.

2. Wise

  • Definition: having intelligence and prudence
  • Synonyms: smart, judicious, sane
  • Example: Sarah is a wise student and can understand most of the things in one go.

3. Worthy

  • Definition: having worth and value
  • Synonyms: valuable, precious, important
  • Example: Don’t damage this worthy painting.

4. Wondrous

  • Definition: being extremely good and astonishing
  • Synonyms: breathtaking, marvelous, surprising
  • Example: This is a wondrous performance by him.

5. Winning

  • Definition: having charm that attracts attention
  • Synonyms: captivating, enchanting, winsome
  • Example: Her winning looks makes her very photogenic.

6. Willing

  • Definition: having or showing the will
  • Synonyms: prepared, inclined, voluntary
  • Example: The willing students were asked to clean the hall.

7. Well-behaved

  • Definition: behaving in a way that is accepted as correct
  • Synonyms: polite
  • Example: He is such a well-behaved child.

8. Wholehearted

  • Definition: being deep and unconditional
  • Synonyms: sincere, heartfelt, earnest
  • Example: You have my wholehearted support for this work.

9. Winsome

  • Definition: having a delightful appeal
  • Synonyms: attractive, engaging, appealing
  • Example: That’s really a winsome view.

10. Wonderful

  • Definition: of great attributes
  • Synonyms: superb, excellent, amazing
  • Example: Hey Jude is a wonderful album by the Beatles.

Adjectives That Start with W to Describe a Person

We’ll discuss adjectives that start with W to describe a person in the section below. These adjectives will surely help you describe a person properly. Make these adjectives an element of your lexicon.

1. Wealthy

  • Definition: having a lot of wealth and assets
  • Synonyms: rich, prosperous, well-off
  • Example: The wealthy minister has four cars.

2. Welcoming

  • Definition: being cordial and genial
  • Synonyms: hospitable, friendly, amiable
  • Example: Erin was a very welcoming host at last night’s party.

3. Whimsical

  • Definition: which is able to change
  • Synonyms: capricious, unpredictable, volatile
  • Example: He is a moody and whimsical person.

4. Well-dressed

  • Definition: being smartly dresses in up-to-date fashion trends
  • Synonyms: dapper, natty, well-groomed
  • Example: Mister Fielding is always a well-dressed gentleman.

5. Well-spoken

  • Definition: being verbally expressive and eloquent
  • Synonyms: articulate, eloquent, fluent
  • Example: She is a very calm and well-spoken person.

6. Well-read

  • Definition: being learned and scholarly
  • Synonyms: knowledgeable, educated, versed
  • Example: This university only hires highly educated and well-read professors.

7. Worthless

  • Definition: having no worth or value
  • Synonyms: valueless, useless, insignificant
  • Example: Why are you holding a worthless piece of cardboard?

8. Wrathful

  • Definition: full of anger and wrath
  • Synonyms: angry, furious, enraged
  • Example: She can’t hang out at night because of her wrathful mother.

9. Weird

  • Definition: being strange and freaky
  • Synonyms: peculiar, queer, uncanny
  • Example: He is a weird man who sleeps just 3 hours a day.

10. Whining

  • Definition: in the habit of constant complaints
  • Synonyms: complaining, whimpering, wailing
  • Example: She is getting annoyed with this whining kid.

Adjectives That Start with W to Describe Someone

This section contains W words to describe someone. This list of describing words beginning with W might help you describe people professionally. How many of these do you already know?

1. Whimpering

  • Definition: of weak and soft crying
  • Synonyms: whining, sobbing, sniffling
  • Example: He hugged her mother and started crying like a whimpering child.

2. Wobbly

  • Definition: not being stable on a fixed position
  • Synonyms: shaky, rickety, unsteady
  • Example: He became a wobbly person after the ball hit him.

3. Worried

  • Definition: feeling concerned and apprehensive
  • Synonyms: anxious, uneasy, nervous
  • Example: You need to explain your conduct to your worried parents.

4. Worse

  • Definition: not good and well
  • Synonyms: poor, bad, unwell
  • Example: He is the worse victim of bad luck.

5. Watchful

  • Definition: being careful and heedful
  • Synonyms: alert, vigilant, observant
  • Example: He is a watchful driver so we should hire him.

6. Wordy

  • Definition: much inclined towards talk and communication
  • Synonyms: chatty, talkative, voluble
  • Example: She is a very energetic and wordy person.

7. Wry

  • Definition: marked with sarcastic humor
  • Synonyms: ironic, sardonic, cynical
  • Example: He is a wry comedian with a crooked sense of humor.

8. Wide-eyed

  • Definition: displaying childlike credulity and innocence
  • Synonyms: naive, innocent, credulous
  • Example: A wide-eyed child stood there seeing the magic trick.

9. Waspy

  • Definition: having a bad temper
  • Synonyms: grumpy, grouchy, cross
  • Example: You don’t need to talk to him as he is a waspy fellow.

10. Worrisome

  • Definition: showing or causing worry
  • Synonyms: distressing, troubling, disturbing
  • Example: He is a very mischievous and worrisome kid.

Popular Adjectives That Start with W

The following is a collection of popular adjectives that start with the letter W. How often do you use these prominent adjective words that start with W in speech and writing? These adjectives will help you expand your vocabulary.

1. Wrinkled

  • Definition: having creases and wrinkles
  • Synonyms: crumpled, puckered, creased
  • Example: The wrinkled old face is the picture of life experiences.

2. Worn-out

  • Definition: being in poor condition because of over usage
  • Synonyms: damaged, ragged, shaggy
  • Example: You need to polish this worn-out jewelry.

3. Wrought

  • Definition: constructed to fit according to certain contours
  • Synonyms: shaped, molded, formed
  • Example: This wrought watch has utilized many diamonds and skill.

4. Well-aware

  • Definition: having knowledge and awareness
  • Synonyms: conscious, informed, well-read
  • Example: He is a well-aware student and knows a lot about current affairs.

5. Wandering

  • Definition: being migratory having no fixed residence
  • Synonyms: vagabond, nomadic, roaming
  • Example: The sky was full of wandering birds.

6. Warning

  • Definition: intending to warn others of possible danger
  • Synonyms: alert, caution, foreboding
  • Example: This is a warning sign and you must slow down here.

7. Washable

  • Definition: which can be washed or erased
  • Synonyms: erasable, cleanable, launderable
  • Example: You don’t need to worry because this is a washable stain.

8. Watery

  • Definition: having the consistency of water
  • Synonyms: thin, diluted, aqueous
  • Example: She spilled all of the watery solution on her.

9. Waterproof

  • Definition: bearing resistance against water or fluids
  • Synonyms: impermeable, water-resistance, water-sealed
  • Example: This is a waterproof tent and best for outdoor trips.

10. Wayward

  • Definition: being unruly and obstinate
  • Synonyms: disobedient, perverse, non-compliant
  • Example: He is a wayward son of this man.

Useful List of Adjectives That Start with W

Listed below is a collection of W adjectives that you may use in your writings. Making use of the list of adjectives that start with W can assist you in communicating more effectively and clearly. Reading through these will aid you in increasing your vocabulary.

1. Wounded

  • Definition: being hurt and harmed
  • Synonyms: injured, harmed, suffering
  • Example: The wounded people were instantly taken to the hospital.

2. Weaponless

  • Definition: having no weapons or arms
  • Synonyms: unarmed, defenseless, unguarded
  • Example: The weaponless citizens were safely taken out of the war zone.

3. Wavering

  • Definition: marked by uncertainty and instability
  • Synonyms: unsteady, unsure, fluctuating
  • Example: All your efforts would go in vain if you have a wavering aim.

4. Weekly

  • Definition: of or in every week
  • Synonyms: per-week, hebdomadal, periodically
  • Example: He writes in a weekly magazine.

5. Well-defined

  • Definition: which is distinct and obvious
  • Synonyms: clear-cut, explicit, definite
  • Example: His well-defined jaw makes him more attractive.

6. Well-known

  • Definition: being distinguished and known by many
  • Synonyms: famous, renowned, prominent
  • Example: He is a well-known street wall artist.

7. Western

  • Definition: of or relating to west
  • Synonyms: westward, westbound, west
  • Example: There is a beautiful lake on the western side of that village.

8. Whistling

  • Definition: of or relating to whistles
  • Synonyms: chirping, twittering, warbling
  • Example: She finds it soothing to hear the whistling birds.

9. Whispering

  • Definition: talking in whispers
  • Synonyms: murmuring, mumbling, speaking
  • Example: The teacher turned the whispering students out.

10. Wiggly

  • Definition: having twists and curves
  • Synonyms: rocky, rickety, shaky
  • Example: It was funny to see his wiggly dance.

Negative Adjectives That Start with W

The negative adjectives that start with W are discussed in this section. Adjectives with letter W are particularly well suited to defining negative attitudes and characteristics.

1. Weary

  • Definition: deprived of strength
  • Synonyms: tired, exhausted, fatigue
  • Example: A weary feeling is all over me after this long trip.

2. Wary

  • Definition: being overly watchful and dubious of everything
  • Synonyms: suspicious, cautious, doubtful
  • Example: He is an overly wary person and irritates others.

3. Wasteful

  • Definition: full of waste and inefficiency
  • Synonyms: immoderate, uneconomic, extravagant
  • Example: Your wasteful spending would deprive you of your savings soon.

4. Weak

  • Definition: lacking the physical strength
  • Synonyms: feeble, fragile, flimsy
  • Example: She was born with weak legs and can’t walk properly.

5. Witless

  • Definition: lacking the wit and sense
  • Synonyms: mindless, stupid, unintelligent
  • Example: His witless ideas made him look like a fool.

6. Wearisome

  • Definition: causing tiredness and boredom
  • Synonyms: boring, tedious, tiresome
  • Example: This is a wearisome work to find detail on every single employee.

7. Wailing

  • Definition: in the state of sorrow and grief
  • Synonyms: mourning, weeping, grieving
  • Example: The wailing family of the deceased veteran was interviewed.

8. Wily

  • Definition: being vile and foxy
  • Synonyms: cunning, crafty, tricky
  • Example: He is a really sharp and wily man.

9. Wolfish

  • Definition: of or relating to characteristics of wolf
  • Synonyms: rapacious, wild, predatory
  • Example: No one is safe from his wolfish anger.

10. Wild

  • Definition: being violent and unruly
  • Synonyms: crazy, savage, predatory
  • Example: A wild cat grabbed the neck of bird sitting on floor.

More Adjectives That Start with W

This section contains adjectives that start with W to assist you in expanding your thoughts and improving your communication abilities. You may be already familiar with these descriptive words beginning with W.

1. Windy

  • Definition: marked by a strong wind
  • Synonyms: stormy, breezy, blowy
  • Example: It is such a pleasant and windy day.

2. Wishful

  • Definition: expressing deep wishes
  • Synonyms: desirous, yearning, longing
  • Example: Getting a job in America was a wishful thinking.

3. Wooden

  • Definition: made up of wood
  • Synonyms: stiff, woody, solid
  • Example: The wooden nose of Pinocchio is a symbol of lies.

4. Woeful

  • Definition: full of sorrow and grief
  • Synonyms: unhappy, miserable, distressed
  • Example: He is a woeful man because he has just lost his mother.

5. Wordless

  • Definition: without words or speech
  • Synonyms: mute, silent, speechless
  • Example: His wordless response infuriated her.

6. Workable

  • Definition: which can be practiced
  • Synonyms: feasible, viable, practical
  • Example: Suggest me some workable solutions.

7. Worldly

  • Definition: of or relating to the world
  • Synonyms: earthly, temporary, terrestrial
  • Example: He completely forgot his religious teachings for these worldly charms.

8. Wet

  • Definition: covered with water
  • Synonyms: damp, moist, soaked
  • Example: You would catch cold if you wear wet clothes.

9. Warrior-like

  • Definition: like the warriors and fighters
  • Synonyms: soldier-like, brave, martial
  • Example: Her little daughter has a warrior-like behavior.

10. War-torn

  • Definition: destroyed and ravaged by war and conflict
  • Synonyms: war-scarred, war-weary, devastated
  • Example: The refugees from the war-torn area were struggling hard to find a place.

Adjectives That Start with W – Full List (250 Words)

In this section, we’ve compiled a list of adjectives that start with W. Here are all adjectives that begin with the letter W to help you remember these. Kindly distribute this list to your friends.

  • Wholesome
  • Well-Documented
  • Withered
  • Wainscoted
  • Western
  • Washy
  • Whopping
  • Wild
  • Withering
  • Warlike
  • Well-Built
  • Weakened
  • Wrinkled
  • Warped
  • Well-Rounded
  • Washingtonian
  • Well-Traveled
  • Waterborne
  • Wakeless
  • Warmed
  • Wimpy
  • Well-Honed
  • Wonderful
  • Warm
  • Warranted
  • Witty
  • Witless
  • Wasted
  • Well-Crafted
  • Wishful
  • Well-Established
  • Winter
  • Well-Dressed
  • Winding
  • Wolfish
  • Whistling
  • Wax
  • Wavelike
  • Whippy
  • Well-Mannered
  • Weak-Willed
  • Wintry
  • Well-Suited
  • Well-Informed
  • Well-Argued
  • Wrongheaded
  • Wholemeal
  • Wagnerian
  • Writhing
  • Waxy
  • Well-Off
  • Well-Received
  • Womanly
  • Wrapped
  • Work
  • Wayward
  • West
  • Worshipful
  • Weaponless
  • Working
  • Watery
  • Well-Intentioned
  • Worried
  • Worrying
  • Wry
  • Well-Used
  • Wretched
  • Warring
  • Well-Behaved
  • Well-Written
  • Worse
  • Wayfaring
  • Wingless
  • Woeful
  • Wanted
  • Warm-hearted
  • Wearisome
  • Waste
  • Wriggling
  • Wise
  • Workable
  • Well-Done
  • Wide-Eyed
  • Welcoming
  • Worrisome
  • Well-Spoken
  • Whining
  • Wheeled
  • Whiny
  • Written
  • Whitewashed
  • Wheezy
  • Wicked
  • Windswept
  • Wordless
  • Water-Cooled
  • Wide-Ranging
  • Wailing
  • Well-Conceived
  • Worst
  • Well-Adjusted
  • Woebegone
  • Well-Kempt
  • Warty
  • Walk-In
  • Wiry
  • Well-Planned
  • Wistful
  • Wily
  • Well-armed
  • Watertight
  • Weekly
  • Wealthy
  • Wooden
  • Waspy
  • Wee
  • Well-Deserved
  • Work-Oriented
  • Waxen
  • Wasteful
  • Waterproofed
  • Wavering
  • Well-Balanced
  • Woozy
  • Worn
  • Waxlike
  • Whispering
  • Well-Equipped
  • Watercress
  • Wriggly
  • Waning
  • Well-Placed
  • Willing
  • Well-Maintained
  • Weedy
  • Well-Read
  • Wavy
  • Windy
  • War-Torn
  • Well-Endowed
  • Wrecked
  • Walking
  • Whooping
  • Wanton
  • Winky
  • Wonted
  • Winning
  • Wrathful
  • Well-defined
  • Washable
  • Wrinkleless
  • Wondrous
  • Waterlogged
  • Waggish
  • Widespread
  • Well-Lit
  • Waspish
  • Well-Developed
  • Week-Long
  • Well-Made
  • Whole
  • Well-Known
  • Wrinkly
  • Wrong
  • Wholesale
  • Well-Aware
  • Winsome
  • Well-Meaning
  • Watchful
  • Well
  • Wiggly
  • Wispy
  • Waiting
  • Waterworn
  • Weepy
  • Well-Groomed
  • Warming
  • Willowy
  • Weightless
  • Well-Worn
  • Walleyed
  • Well-Educated
  • Wartlike
  • Wintery
  • Wordy
  • Well-Founded
  • Worn-Out
  • Wary
  • Well-Prepared
  • Weeklong
  • Well-Liked
  • World-class
  • Warm-Blooded
  • Workaday
  • Whacky
  • Well-Heeled
  • Worth
  • Waterproof
  • Well-Qualified
  • Wakeful
  • Weary
  • Wobbly
  • Wonky
  • Weighty
  • Whimsical
  • Well-Considered
  • Wearable
  • Weleful
  • Warrior-like
  • Wrinkle-free
  • Wholehearted
  • Weeny
  • Worn-Down
  • Warning
  • Wandering
  • Weak
  • Wan
  • Worldly
  • Walloping
  • Worthwhile
  • Wrought
  • Wacky
  • Warriorlike
  • Wizardly
  • Wizened
  • Woolen
  • White
  • Warmhearted
  • Wounded
  • Wailful
  • Weathered
  • Welcome
  • Wanting
  • Well-Versed
  • Worthless
  • Weird
  • Wounding
  • Willful
  • Weak-kneed
  • Weatherly
  • Whimpering
  • Wide
  • Withdrawn
  • Wideband
  • Wrongful
  • Wheezing
  • Worthy
  • Waking
  • Wet
  • Waterless

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with W

This article contains a list of frequently used adjectives starting with W. Additionally, there are definitions, synonyms, and examples for each of these adjectives that start with W, which may assist you in incorporating the adjectives into various contexts and broadening your vocabulary.

We hope you’ve discovered what you were looking for. We appreciate you taking the time to read our article about descriptive words that start with W. As you’ve already seen, adjectives play a significant role in our daily talks.

We hope you’ve studied all of these adjectives thoroughly so that the next time you come across difficult adjectives that start with W, you’ll understand precisely what it means. This will not only astound your classmates but will also help you develop your confidence.

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