Home » 7 Online Gaming Facts That You Didn’t Know

7 Online Gaming Facts That You Didn’t Know

by Kimi

The world of online gaming is a fascinating realm filled with intriguing facts and surprising statistics that many gamers and even industry enthusiasts might not be aware of. From its meteoric rise in popularity to the unexpected ways it impacts culture and technology, the gaming universe is constantly evolving and expanding.

For instance, did you know that the online gaming industry is projected to surpass $196 billion in revenue by 2022, according to a report by Newzoo? This figure not only highlights the industry’s massive economic impact but also reflects the growing diversity and innovation within the gaming world.

In this exploration, we dive into seven lesser-known facts about online gaming, shedding light on the hidden facets and astonishing realities of this digital phenomenon. These insights will not only surprise you but also deepen your appreciation for the intricate and dynamic world of online gaming.

Fact 1: The First-Ever Online Multiplayer Game

One fascinating fact about online gaming is the identity of the first-ever multiplayer game. Many might assume it’s a relatively recent development, but it dates back to 1980 with the game “MUD” (Multi-User Dungeon).

This text-based, role-playing game allowed players to interact in a virtual world, a concept that laid the foundation for today’s massively multiplayer online games (MMOs). “MUD” set the stage for the social and interactive aspects of online gaming that have become integral to the genre, making it a pioneering force in the gaming world.

Fact 2: The Economic Power of eSports

Another intriguing fact is the staggering economic growth of eSports. Contrary to common perception, eSports isn’t just a niche segment of gaming; it’s a major economic force. According to Newzoo, the global eSports market revenue is expected to hit nearly $1.1 billion in 2021, with a global audience of around 474 million people.

The rise of eSports has not only revolutionized the gaming industry but also created a whole new arena for advertising, sponsorships, and media rights. This growth reflects how competitive gaming has evolved into a lucrative and mainstream entertainment industry.

Fact 3: The Impact of Gaming on Learning and Cognitive Skills

A lesser-known aspect of online gaming is its impact on learning and cognitive skills. Contrary to the stereotype of gaming as purely recreational, research indicates that certain games can enhance a range of cognitive skills like problem-solving, spatial awareness, and strategic planning.

A study from the University of Glasgow found that playing certain strategy-based games can result in improved communication skills, resourcefulness, and adaptability. These findings challenge the traditional view of gaming, highlighting its potential as a tool for cognitive development and educational enrichment.

Fact 4: The Benefits of Gaming with a VPN

A surprising yet significant fact in the online gaming world is the benefits of using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Many gamers are unaware that a VPN can enhance their gaming experience by stabilizing the connection, reducing ping times, and providing access to games and servers in different regions.

For an optimal gaming experience, selecting a specialized VPN for gaming, like Surfshark, which is known for gaming with VPN, can be a game-changer. It not only improves gameplay but also protects against cyber threats, such as DDoS attacks, ensuring a secure and uninterrupted gaming session. This integration of VPNs in gaming technology reflects the increasing importance of both performance and security in the online gaming experience.

Fact 5: The Economic Impact of Female Gamers

A remarkable yet often overlooked fact in the gaming industry is the significant economic impact of female gamers. Traditionally viewed as a male-dominated field, the gaming landscape has seen a dramatic shift with the rise of female gamers.

In recent years, studies have shown that women constitute nearly half of the gaming population, challenging stereotypes and reshaping the gaming market. This demographic shift has not only influenced the types of games being developed but also opened up new marketing and revenue opportunities for gaming companies, reflecting a broader change in the industry’s audience.

Fact 6: The Therapeutic Use of Video Games

The sixth intriguing fact about online gaming is its use in therapeutic settings. Video games are increasingly being recognized for their therapeutic benefits, particularly in mental health treatment. Games designed with specific therapeutic goals can help with conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

The interactive and immersive nature of games makes them effective tools for therapy, offering a safe environment for patients to explore and express emotions. Additionally, certain games are used in physical rehabilitation, aiding in recovery and motor skills development.

This therapeutic application of gaming challenges the conventional perception of games as merely entertainment, showcasing their potential in health and wellness.

Fact 7: The Environmental Impact of Online Gaming

The seventh and final lesser-known fact about online gaming is its environmental impact. Online gaming’s carbon footprint is a growing concern, often overshadowed by the industry’s technological advancements.

The energy consumption of running game servers, data centers, and the power used by gaming devices contributes significantly to carbon emissions. A study by the University of Bristol estimated that the gaming sector’s energy use is on a steep rise, with implications for global energy demands and environmental sustainability.

This fact highlights the need for energy-efficient gaming technology and the importance of sustainable practices within the industry. Game developers and companies are increasingly focusing on reducing the environmental impact of gaming, such as by optimizing server efficiency and encouraging the use of renewable energy sources.

As gamers and industry stakeholders become more aware of these issues, there is a growing movement towards more environmentally responsible gaming practices, marking a pivotal shift in how the industry operates and its role in global environmental stewardship.


The world of online gaming is not just a realm of entertainment and competition; it’s a landscape rich with diverse facts and unexpected impacts that extend far beyond the screen. From the pioneering days of “MUD” to the substantial economic influence of female gamers, the multifaceted nature of gaming continues to surprise and evolve.

The benefits of using VPNs for an enhanced gaming experience, the therapeutic applications of video games, and the pressing issue of the environmental impact of gaming are all aspects that deepen our understanding and appreciation of this dynamic industry.

These seven facts peel back the layers of online gaming, revealing a complex and rapidly evolving industry that touches on various aspects of culture, technology, and even global issues.

As gamers and enthusiasts, understanding these facets not only enriches our gaming experience but also informs our perspectives on the broader implications and responsibilities of this digital pastime.

As we continue to delve into virtual worlds, it’s important to remain aware of and engaged with the wider narrative of online gaming and its place in our ever-changing world.

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