Home » 542 Adjectives That Start with H | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

542 Adjectives That Start with H | Best List Ever with Definitions and Examples

by Kimi

In this guide, we provide a list of adjectives that start with H, along with explanations and examples of how they might be used in everyday conversation and formal writing. Continue reading to find out more about the adjectives that we will discuss in our article.

As part of the first stage in learning the English language, we learn about the several parts of speech, including nouns and pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and conjunctions. And in this guide, we will learn all about adjectives beginning with H. We’ll talk about descriptive words that start with H in this section. Describing words provides a thorough explanation of the meaning of a noun, which must be a person, place, or object.

Can you name any adjectives that start with H? Using adjectives that start with H, we may easily conjure up a mental image of the noun they describe, both in our heads and in our writing. So, without wasting any more of your time, let us move on with our guide on the lists of adjectives that start with H.

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Common Adjectives That Start with H

To get started, let’s look at a comprehensive list of common adjectives that start with H. After you have mastered all of the adjectives starting with H, your English skills will soar to a whole new level.

1. Habitable

  • Definition: suitable or good enough to live in
  • Synonyms: fit to live in, inhabitable, fit to occupy
  • Example: The home should be habitable by Thanksgiving.

2. Habitual

  • Definition: constantly done or as a habit
  • Synonyms: constant, persistent, continual
  • Example: Sam’s habitual use of heroin is very frustrating.

3. Hackneyed

  • Definition: having been overused; unoriginal and trite
  • Synonyms: overused, overworked, overdone
  • Example: Every time my internet breaks down, the cable service throws me a hackneyed reason.

4. Haggard

  • Definition: looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue
  • Synonyms: careworn, tired, drained
  • Example: Everyone was shocked by his haggard appearance.

5. Hairless

  • Definition: lacking hair; bare or bald
  • Synonyms: bald, bald-headed, shaven
  • Example: Newborn rabbits are born blind and hairless.

6. Hairsplitting

  • Definition: characterized by or fond of small and overfine distinctions
  • Synonyms: quibbling, fault-finding, niggling
  • Example: The legal professionals have a particular hairsplitting attitude.

7. Half-hearted

  • Definition: without enthusiasm or energy
  • Synonyms: unenthusiastic, lukewarm, cool
  • Example: There have been various half-hearted attempts to reform the country over the years.

8. Halfway

  • Definition: midway between two points
  • Synonyms: midway, middle, mid
  • Example: He went halfway up before he heard a loud sound like a sob from behind him.

9. Hallowed

  • Definition: made holy; consecrated
  • Synonyms: consecrated, sanctified, blessed
  • Example: The hallowed family ritual has been handed down for decades.

10. Halting

  • Definition: slow and hesitant
  • Synonyms: hesitant, disjointed, faltering
  • Example: Once we were on the street, the teacher put up a halting hand.

Positive Adjectives That Start with H

If you need some more sophisticated letters to say positive about something other than the simple words, check the positive adjectives that start with H for positives; use down below.

1. Hale

  • Definition: strong and healthy
  • Synonyms: healthy, well, fit
  • Example: John turned eighty-five years old, but he is still hale and hearty.

2. Happy

  • Definition: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
  • Synonyms: contented, content, cheerful
  • Example: Maria looks very happy and excited.

3. Hardy

  • Definition: capable of enduring difficult conditions
  • Synonyms: robust, healthy, fit
  • Example: These hardy mountain people appear to thrive in the cold.

4. Heartening

  • Definition: increasing cheerfulness or confidence; encouraging
  • Synonyms: solacing, cheering, encouraging
  • Example: It was heartening to witness two young individuals who cared for each other.

5. Heavenly

  • Definition: of heaven; divine
  • Synonyms: divine, holy, celestial
  • Example: Today is a heavenly day.

6. Heedful

  • Definition: aware of and attentive to
  • Synonyms: attentive, careful, mindful
  • Example: Drivers must be heedful while driving past the crosswalk during lunch hour.

7. Helpful

  • Definition: giving or ready to give help
  • Synonyms: obliging, friendly, pleasant
  • Example: Sam has always been helpful to us in the hour of need.

8. Heroic

  • Definition: admirably brave or determined
  • Synonyms: brave, courageous, valiant
  • Example: Rescuers made heroic attempts to evacuate the crew.

9. Honest

  • Definition: free of deceit; truthful and sincere
  • Synonyms: truthful, sincere, candid
  • Example: Sam is an honest and very punctilious human.

10. Honorable

  • Definition: bringing or deserving honor
  • Synonyms: moral, ethical, principled
  • Example: It is not honorable of you to behave like that in a meeting.

Adjectives That Start with H to Describe a Person

If you need more refined adjectives to complement people than excellent, pleasant, etc., then check the list of adjectives that start with H to describe a person in a section down below.

1. Handsome

  • Definition: good-looking
  • Synonyms: nice-looking, attractive, personable
  • Example: He looked incredibly great and handsome in his tux jacket.

2. Harmless

  • Definition: not able or likely to cause harm
  • Synonyms: safe, innocuous, benign
  • Example: Her brother’s a little basic, although he’s fairly harmless.

3. Humorous

  • Definition: causing laughter and amusement, comic
  • Synonyms: amusing, funny, entertaining
  • Example: Sam is such a humorous guy.

4. Hygienic

  • Definition: conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease
  • Synonyms: sanitary, clean, germ-free
  • Example: Josh is a very hygienic person.

5. Humble

  • Definition: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance
  • Synonyms: meek, deferential, respectful
  • Example: John is very humble about his success.

6. Hunky

  • Definition: large, strong, and sexually attractive
  • Synonyms: masculine, handsome, well-built
  • Example: The beautiful stars broke out over hunky footballer Lee.

7. Hysterical

  • Definition: affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion
  • Synonyms: overwrought, emotional, uncontrolled
  • Example: The distant information looked like she was hysterical, yet she felt peaceful.

8. Horrid

  • Definition: not considered to be respectable
  • Synonyms: nasty, horrible, disagreeable
  • Example: Out teacher is so horrid.

9. Hospitable

  • Definition: given to generous and cordial reception of guests
  • Synonyms: welcoming, friendly, congenial
  • Example: They are hospitable to persons of their tribe, but no outsiders.

10. Humane

  • Definition: having or showing compassion or benevolence
  • Synonyms: compassionate, kind, kindly
  • Example: God forbid that Sam should be humane.

Adjectives That Start with H to Describe Someone

Below is the list of describing words beginning with H, which you can use in your daily life. So, read more to find H words to describe someone using this list.

1. Harmonious

  • Definition: tuneful; not discordant
  • Synonyms: tuneful, melodious, melodic
  • Example: Kelly and I have worked successfully for eight years because we have a harmonious connection.

2. Harsh

  • Definition: unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses
  • Synonyms: grating, jarring, grinding
  • Example: Sam had harsh words for his opponent.

3. Hesitant

  • Definition: tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking
  • Synonyms: uncertain, undecided, unsure
  • Example: Evelyn asked a question with a hesitant smile.

4. Homey

  • Definition: comfortable and cozy
  • Synonyms: cozy, home-like, comfortable
  • Example: Some friends have a homey feeling.

5. Horrified

  • Definition: filled with horror; extremely shocked
  • Synonyms: frighten, scare, terrify
  • Example: She fell on her knees, horrified but knowing something was incredibly wrong.

6. Hostile

  • Definition: showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly
  • Synonyms: antagonistic, aggressive, confrontational
  • Example: Sam’s hostile looks showed that he was unwelcome.

7. Hotheaded

  • Definition: having an impetuous or quick-tempered nature
  • Synonyms: impetuous, impulsive, headstrong
  • Example: This generation of youth is very hotheaded.

8. Humanitarian

  • Definition: concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare
  • Synonyms: compassionate, humane, unselfish
  • Example: She was released for humanitarian reasons.

9. Heinous

  • Definition: utterly odious or wicked
  • Synonyms: odious, wicked, evil
  • Example: They were responsible for the most heinous acts, and they are dead.

10. Hilarious

  • Definition: extremely amusing
  • Synonyms: very funny, extremely amusing, hysterically funny
  • Example: Sam has such a hilarious personality.

Popular Adjectives That Start with H

We compiled explanations and examples below to help you understand these popular adjective words that start with H. So, read these adjectives that start with the letter H and improve your vocabulary.

1. Hands-off

  • Definition: used as a warning not to touch or interfere with something
  • Synonyms: apathetic, indifferent, laid-back.
  • Examples: Josh couldn’t keep his hands-off half the workplace.

2. Hands-on

  • Definition: involving direct involvement or intervention
  • Synonyms: interactive, practical, active
  • Examples: She’s indeed a hands-on supervisor.

3. Haphazard

  • Definition: lacking any obvious principle of organization
  • Synonyms: random, unplanned, unsystematic
  • Examples: The workplace appeared like a haphazard mess of cubicles and machinery.

4. Hapless

  • Definition: unfortunate (especially of a person)
  • Synonyms: unfortunate, unlucky, luckless
  • Examples: Many youngsters are hapless victims of this battle.

5. Haptic

  • Definition: relating to the sense of touch
  • Synonyms: tactile, haptic, force-feedback
  • Examples: The haptic feedback on the tablet is also a good feature.

6. Hard

  • Definition: solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken
  • Synonyms: rigid, stiff, resistant
  • Examples: Sam hit his head on the hard ground.

7. Hardworking

  • Definition: tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent
  • Synonyms: diligent, industrious, conscientious
  • Examples: He was an extremely hardworking individual throughout his career.

8. Harmful

  • Definition: causing or likely to cause harm
  • Synonyms: damaging, injurious, detrimental
  • Examples: The medicine might be harmful if used in excess.

9. Harried

  • Definition: feeling strained as a result of having demands persistently made on one; harassed
  • Synonyms: attack, assail, assault
  • Examples: No wonder she had been so harried over the previous six months.

10. Hasty

  • Definition: done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried
  • Synonyms: quick, hurried, fast
  • Examples: No one asking you to make a hasty decision.

Useful List of Adjectives That Start with H

In the section below, we have explained the useful list of adjectives that start with H. So, read more to find more H adjectives for your daily use both for writing and speaking.

1. Hated

  • Definition: feel intense dislike for
  • Synonyms: loathe, detest, dislike greatly
  • Example: She was the most hated teacher in the university.

2. Haughty

  • Definition: arrogantly superior and disdainful
  • Synonyms: proud, vain, arrogant
  • Example: There was a tender tone in the haughty girl’s voice.

3. Hawkish

  • Definition: resembling a hawk in nature or appearance
  • Synonyms: bloodthirsty, martial, warlike
  • Example: The government is hawkish on international relations.

4. Hazardous

  • Definition: risky; dangerous
  • Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe
  • Example: The compounds in the paint may be hazardous to health.

5. Hazy

  • Definition: covered by a haze
  • Synonyms: misty, foggy, cloudy
  • Example: It was a pretty hazy day.

6. Healing

  • Definition: the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again
  • Synonyms: alleviate, assuage, palliate
  • Example: Yoga is such a healing process.

7. Heartless

  • Definition: displaying a complete lack of feeling or consideration
  • Synonyms: unfeeling, unsympathetic, unkind
  • Example: Heartless chuckle was the nicest thing that I have.

8. Hectic

  • Definition: full of incessant or frantic activity
  • Synonyms: frantic, frenetic, frenzied
  • Example: I have had a pretty hectic day.

9. Hedonic

  • Definition: relating to, characterized by, or considered in terms of pleasant (or unpleasant) sensations
  • Synonyms: luxurious, hedonistic, luxuriant
  • Example: People make eating choices based on hedonic reasons.

10. Heedless

  • Definition: showing a reckless lack of care or attention
  • Synonyms: incautious, imprudent, rash
  • Example: Heedless in his handling of the convicts, the custodial officer was suspended without pay.

Negative Adjectives That Start with H

In the section below, we have a list of top negative adjectives that start with H that you can use when you are not in a good mood. Read more about adjectives with letter H.

1. Hideous

  • Definition: extremely ugly
  • Synonyms: ugly, unsightly, repulsive
  • Example: She has a hideous taste when it comes to music.

2. Hoarse

  • Definition: sounding rough and harsh
  • Synonyms: rough, harsh, croaky
  • Example: Eventually, she managed a hoarse whisper.

3. Hopeless

  • Definition: having no expectation of good or success
  • Synonyms: desperate, dejected, downhearted
  • Example: Sam feels so hopeless when he can’t assist her.

4. Horrible

  • Definition: causing or likely to cause horror; shocking
  • Synonyms: dreadful, horrifying, horrific
  • Example: I had a very horrible day.

5. Hammy

  • Definition: exaggerated or over-theatrical
  • Synonyms: dramatic, histrionic, melodramatic
  • Example: For once, his hammy acting fits, and I admired his courageous possum role.

6. Harrowing

  • Definition: acutely distressing
  • Synonyms: distress, trouble, afflict
  • Example: The train disaster was a harrowing event for everybody involved.

7. Haywire

  • Definition: erratic; out of control
  • Synonyms: out of control, out of order, erratic
  • Example: After then, everything began to go haywire.

8. Hagridden

  • Definition: afflicted by anxieties
  • Synonyms: tormented, troubled, anguished
  • Example: She was hagridden by his early success.

9. Homicidal

  • Definition: capable of or tending towards murder; murderous
  • Synonyms: murderous, violent, brutal
  • Example: As the drug trade flourished in the city, the rates of homicidal violence likewise climbed.

10. Horrendous

  • Definition: extremely bad or unpleasant
  • Synonyms: horrible, dreadful, horrifying
  • Example: A deep ripping sound was accompanied by a horrendous smash outside the kitchen window.

More Adjectives That Start with H

In this last heading, we are discussing more adjectives that start with H. So, read more to find out about the descriptive words beginning with H in the section down below.

1. Hypnotic

  • Definition: exerting a compelling effect
  • Synonyms: mesmerizing, mesmeric, spellbinding
  • Example: His voice has a hypnotic quality.

2. Harassed

  • Definition: feeling or looking strained as a result of having too many demands made on one
  • Synonyms: stressed, strained, frayed
  • Example: Sam has been accused of being harassed by the police.

3. Headless

  • Definition: having no head
  • Synonyms: lifeless, decapitated, truncated
  • Example: The headless body of a guy was discovered among some bushes.

4. Heartbroken

  • Definition: suffering from overwhelming distress
  • Synonyms: anguished, devastated, broken-hearted
  • Example: Sam is heartbroken by Josh leaving.

5. Heaving

  • Definition: (of a place) extremely crowded
  • Synonyms: full, crowded, packed
  • Example: The fruit market was heaving today.

6. Hither

  • Definition: situated on this side
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: The hither side of Severn.

7. Honorary

  • Definition: conferred as an honor, without the usual requirements or functions
  • Synonyms: titular, nominal, in name only
  • Example: Sam was made an honorary knight.

8. Hushed

  • Definition: very quiet and still
  • Synonyms: quiet, quieted, silent
  • Example: Sam addressed the hushed classroom.

9. Hypothetical

  • Definition: situations or ideas that are possible and imagined rather than real
  • Synonyms: speculative, conjectured, imagined
  • Example: The relevance of this intricate succession of adjustments is very much hypothetical.

10. Hoary

  • Definition: greyish white
  • Synonyms: grey, white, silver
  • Example: It features clusters of blue blooms and hoary leaves.

Adjectives That Start with H – Full List (542 Words)

Here is a full list of adjectives that start with H that we have discussed and hundreds of more useful ones. Take a look at these adjectives to get a better perspective of the letter H.

  • Horizontal
  • Harmonious
  • Hypaethral
  • Hypotensive
  • Hermeneutic
  • Heedful
  • Histrionic
  • Hindi
  • Historical
  • Hifalutin
  • Honourable
  • Homocyclic
  • Homozygous
  • Homebound
  • Hierarchic
  • Hegelian
  • Heartwarming
  • Hulky
  • Hopeful
  • Harshest
  • Hoar
  • Hyperthermal
  • Holiest
  • Haitian
  • Hypotonic
  • Holometabolic
  • Helpless
  • Hemopoietic
  • Heartrending
  • Honduran
  • Hungriest
  • Highbrowed
  • Homologous
  • High-Strung
  • Herculean
  • Hind
  • Hypnagogic
  • Halcyon
  • Heavyhearted
  • Homeopathic
  • Hearsay
  • Humourless
  • Handwoven
  • Heathen
  • Hedonistic
  • Hoydenish
  • Heterotrophic
  • Honeylike
  • Hybrid
  • Hysterical
  • Hermaphroditic
  • Haphazard
  • Happiest
  • Hopeless
  • Hygienic
  • Haggard
  • Hallowed
  • Herbaceous
  • Honest
  • Homosporous
  • Heartfelt
  • Horrifying
  • Handsome
  • Here
  • Hunted
  • Hydrothermal
  • Humorous
  • Hundred
  • Hmong
  • Hugest
  • Hardback
  • Heterocercal
  • Haploid
  • Horrendous
  • Haunting
  • Hemispherical
  • Handmade
  • Hypothetic
  • Haired
  • Heraldist
  • Hexangular
  • Hypoactive
  • Harmless
  • Highbrow
  • Hipless
  • Hieroglyphical
  • Heuristic
  • Hertzian
  • Hematopoietic
  • Hiemal
  • Hearing
  • Homogenous
  • Hither
  • Henpecked
  • Homophile
  • Hairless
  • Hardened
  • Halfway
  • Harmonic
  • Humongous
  • Hemiparasitic
  • Humorless
  • Haywire
  • Heterothermic
  • Herbal
  • Hallucinatory
  • Husky
  • Hyperboloidal
  • Hegemonic
  • Hyperopic
  • Habilimented
  • Highland
  • Hypertrophied
  • Hyaloid
  • Hematogenic
  • Hypodermic
  • Huge
  • Hadean
  • Heathenish
  • Hatted
  • Honorable
  • Hypertensive
  • Homophonic
  • Humiliated
  • Humpbacked
  • Hypovolaemic
  • Hymenal
  • Harebrained
  • Huxleyan
  • Handled
  • Homicidal
  • Highfaluting
  • Hardheaded
  • Hyoid
  • Heavy-Duty
  • Heart-Whole
  • Hurried
  • Hesperian
  • Hanoverian
  • Hemophilic
  • Hatless
  • Heraldic
  • Hastate
  • Hellenic
  • Honking
  • Habited
  • High
  • Hasidic
  • Hooklike
  • Handless
  • Hereditary
  • Halal
  • Headfirst
  • Hardcover
  • Homostylic
  • Hapless
  • Hex
  • Hebdomadal
  • Humanistic
  • Hands-Off
  • Homiletic
  • Heinous
  • Hungrier
  • Hoarse
  • Hollywood
  • Hissing
  • Himalayan
  • Honorary
  • Hated
  • Humanitarian
  • Huffish
  • Hardbacked
  • Honey
  • Hideous
  • Histological
  • Haptic
  • Hokey
  • Hydroponic
  • Harried
  • Hemodynamic
  • Homoiothermic
  • Heritable
  • Homothermic
  • Hieratic
  • Haughty
  • Hardbound
  • Hadal
  • Hundredth
  • Heartsick
  • Hoary
  • Heathlike
  • Horticultural
  • Hebetudinous
  • Humble
  • Heterozygous
  • Hypothalamic
  • Hurt
  • Hugoesque
  • Hypnotic
  • Hardhearted
  • Hemolytic
  • Hypochondriac
  • Hispid
  • Hierarchical
  • Honored
  • Hempen
  • Hardscrabble
  • Homelike
  • Hyperfine
  • Handelian
  • Hortatory
  • Habitual
  • Holographical
  • Heaving
  • Homy
  • Healthful
  • Hearty
  • House
  • Hawkish
  • Healthy
  • Head
  • Hottish
  • Hipped
  • Hemimetabolic
  • Heterocyclic
  • Hirsute
  • Hieroglyphic
  • Hexadecimal
  • Helminthic
  • Holiday
  • Hispaniolan
  • Hippocratic
  • Helmeted
  • Humming
  • Humane
  • Hindermost
  • High-Tech
  • Hospitable
  • Heterogenous
  • High-Yield
  • Heady
  • Heterodactyl
  • Heavyset
  • Humiliating
  • Homoerotic
  • High-Rise
  • Homosexual
  • Hemostatic
  • Halfhearted
  • Human
  • Hebdomadary
  • Hellish
  • Heavy-Handed
  • Hooved
  • Hands-On
  • Hyperemic
  • Hard
  • Heterosexual
  • High-Maintenance
  • Hydrophobic
  • Heterodyne
  • Hard-Core
  • Horrible
  • Hebrew
  • Hygrophytic
  • Hominal
  • Highfalutin
  • Heterologic
  • Hypocritical
  • Hassidic
  • Heated
  • Hidrotic
  • Hep
  • Hungarian
  • Hotheaded
  • Handheld
  • Hazel
  • Honeyed
  • Hittite
  • Hypermetropic
  • Happier
  • Holier
  • Hindustani
  • Hot
  • Heterodox
  • Hairy
  • Het
  • Half-Hearted
  • Heartening
  • Home
  • Heavy-Armed
  • Hunchbacked
  • High-Toned
  • Hydrostatic
  • Hebridean
  • Hi-Tech
  • Hebraic
  • Hepatotoxic
  • Highflying
  • Humid
  • Homologic
  • Heroical
  • Helical
  • Hematologic
  • Handwritten
  • Herbivorous
  • Hypnotizable
  • Haploidic
  • Hormonal
  • Harmonical
  • Hammy
  • Homophonous
  • Happy
  • Homochromatic
  • Homological
  • Humped
  • Hypoglycemic
  • Hollow
  • Hexagonal
  • Homing
  • Hypothetical
  • Homeless
  • Humbled
  • Hibernal
  • Holophytic
  • Hasty
  • Holographic
  • Hairsplitting
  • Hypognathous
  • Humbling
  • Highborn
  • Heroic
  • Headstrong
  • High-Spirited
  • Haemolytic
  • Humanlike
  • Homespun
  • Hangdog
  • Heteroecious
  • Hircine
  • Heterologous
  • Hobnailed
  • Hermaphrodite
  • Hungry
  • Hypnotised
  • Harassed
  • Hypovolemic
  • Hornless
  • Hardline
  • Homocercal
  • Half
  • Homesick
  • Heedless
  • Hydric
  • Hubristic
  • Hypethral
  • Heavenly
  • Huggable
  • Huskier
  • Heretical
  • Handicapped
  • Hidebound
  • Huskiest
  • Hilly
  • Hesitating
  • Huffy
  • Homogenized
  • High-quality
  • Humdrum
  • Hydraulic
  • Hydrophytic
  • Haemal
  • Hearable
  • Half-baked
  • Haematogenic
  • Hermitical
  • Harsh
  • Hectic
  • Hazy
  • Hairlike
  • Hypoglycaemic
  • Hallucinogenic
  • Hardy
  • Handsewn
  • High-Speed
  • Heatable
  • High-Risk
  • Hefty
  • Handsomely
  • Homey
  • Housebroken
  • Horrid
  • Haematic
  • Huxleian
  • Housebound
  • Healing
  • Hitless
  • Hoggish
  • Hanging
  • Hardcore
  • Hematal
  • Hedonic
  • Handed
  • Half-Way
  • Humified
  • Housewifely
  • Haematal
  • Heliacal
  • Hateful
  • High-Sounding
  • Howling
  • Hematological
  • Hominid
  • Hick
  • Homegrown
  • Huger
  • Hemic
  • Hackneyed
  • Hypnoid
  • Hilar
  • Headlike
  • Harrowing
  • Hellenistic
  • Hyper-Active
  • Heterosporous
  • Holey
  • Harmonizable
  • Halt
  • Hortative
  • Honied
  • Hymeneal
  • Hardfisted
  • Heartbreaking
  • Handleless
  • Heliac
  • Historied
  • Honorific
  • Human-Like
  • Heartless
  • Heteroicous
  • Histologic
  • Hyperbolic
  • Headed
  • Holy
  • Hushed
  • Hepatic
  • Hominine
  • Homostyled
  • Heliocentric
  • Hypersensitive
  • Hottest
  • Hindering
  • Hulking
  • Hebephrenic
  • Horrific
  • Hardworking
  • Hurtful
  • Hindoo
  • Heterogeneous
  • Homemade
  • Heavenward
  • Hazardous
  • Homeward
  • Hexed
  • Hitlerian
  • Headless
  • Hominian
  • Hilarious
  • Hostile
  • Hagridden
  • Heterological
  • Holozoic
  • Horary
  • Hyperactive
  • Handstitched
  • Hinder
  • Handy
  • Heartbroken
  • Hermitic
  • Hotter
  • Harsher
  • Hemal
  • Hygroscopic
  • Hypnogogic
  • Hyaline
  • Horned
  • Hidden
  • Heavy
  • Helpful
  • Hypophysial
  • Homophobic
  • Holistic
  • Hogged
  • Hawaiian
  • Hypodermal
  • Hermetic
  • Hygienical
  • Hypophyseal
  • High-Functioning
  • Homoecious
  • Hesitant
  • Hebraical
  • Hooflike
  • Hindu
  • Hemispheric
  • Helpfully
  • Hypertonic
  • Halting
  • Humourous
  • Hornlike
  • Hourly
  • Homogeneous
  • Hired
  • Hypercritical
  • Horrified
  • Harmful
  • Horny
  • Hale
  • Hot-Tempered
  • Hydrous
  • Honeycombed
  • Homely
  • Hierarchal
  • Husbandly
  • Homostylous
  • Hispanic
  • Hoofed
  • Hawk-Eyed
  • Hatefully
  • Haemic
  • Hip
  • Hydroxy
  • Hemorrhagic
  • Hiplength
  • Hematic
  • Heatless
  • Humic
  • Headlong
  • Haemorrhagic
  • Hunky
  • Hooked
  • Habitable

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with H

Because of its potential to influence other letters of the alphabet, stand out powerfully on its own, or remain completely quiet, the letter H is a fascinating subject of research. Whenever it is the initial letter of a word, it will nearly always have the classic sound that it has become known for.

Congratulations on making it to the finish. The adjectives that start with H have been explored in detail above and their meaning synonyms and examples. We hope you find these adjectives starting with H, to be of assistance.

Continue to study the descriptive words that start with H, and you’ll soon become an expert in adjectives that start with H. Thank you for spending the time to study our article about  H adjectives.

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